Have you talked to your doctor about your vitamin D levels? A study showed nearly half of participants with lupus were vitamin D deficient. While avoiding deficiency is important, the study found short-term vitamin D supplementation did not impact disease activity. #lupusresearch
Do you want to help accelerate the development of #lupus treatments & a potential cure?
Be an advocate for your health by joining RAY, our online lupus registry where you can be an active member in the fight against lupus! Sign up today! https://bit.ly/3V2tkWk
Do you want to help accelerate the development of #lupus treatments & a potential cure?
Be an advocate for your health by joining RAY, our online lupus registry where you can be an active member in the fight against lupus! Sign up today! https://bit.ly/3V2tkWk
#RIPTwitteristä siirtynyt peruskoulun kielenopesta 50vee uraa vaihtanut olio, joka pohtii mitä tehdä isona. Seuraan harvinaissairauden tutkimusta toivottavasti täälläkin, se on edennyt harppauksin 10 vuoden aikana.
#Helsinki #ilmastokriisi #luontokato #ihmisoikeudet #politiikka #turpo #lupus #SLE
Lupus Europe PAN member #Lupus #LupusResearch #SLE
#ukraine #nafo #fellas
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