"The Future of Planning in London" report published by the @LondonAssembly@twitter.com commenting on the government's planning reforms and #LURB "has serious concerns regarding the Government’s proposal for National Development Management Policies (NDMPs)" https://www.london.gov.uk/who-we-are/what-london-assembly-does/london-assembly-work/london-assembly-publications/future-planning-london-report
RT @robzowski@twitter.com
MEGA planning reform details in DLUHC consultation but despite FOURTEEN chapters, the promised consultation on increase in planning FEES is STILL not consulted on and fees are mentioned only ONCE! All this change & no extra resource! Sorry for caps! #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robzowski/status/1606050986622980098
#LURB #PlanningReforms "authorities will no longer be able to prepare SPDs... Current SPDs will automatically cease to have effect at the point at which authorities are required to have a new-style plan in place" Chapter 9 para 13 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "plan makers will have until 30 June 2025 to submit their local plans… for independent examination under the existing legal framework" Chapter 9 para 4 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "it is a long-standing principle that planning decisions should be based on the planning merits of the proposed development – and not the applicant" but want to consider "an applicant’s past irresponsible behaviour" Ch 5 para 21 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "local planning authorities should give greater importance in planning for Social Rent homes" Chapter 5 para 4 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms Housing Delivery Test 2022 results will be published but the consequences could be "suspended" or "frozen to reflect the 2021 HDT results" while the government consults! Chapter 4 para 23 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "The Bill will remove the Duty to Co-operate... To secure appropriate engagement between authorities where strategic planning considerations cut across boundaries, we propose to introduce an “alignment policy”" @CatrionaRiddel1@twitter.com https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "we will review the implications on the standard method of new household projections data based on the 2021 Census, which is due to be published in 2024" Chapter 4 para 3 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "we propose removing these 5-year housing land supply buffers from national planning policy in the future" Chapter 3 Para 5 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
#LURB #PlanningReforms "presumption in favour of sustainable development... remains an important part of the planning system" Chapter 3 Para 3 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
Credit for getting statement out fast but surely RTPI's priorities listed should mention fees/resources - despite 14 chapters the govt's consultation on increase in planning fees is still not there despite many promises over many years. Lots of change & no extra resource! #LURB
MEGA planning reform details in DLUHC consultation but despite FOURTEEN chapters, the promised consultation on increase in planning FEES is STILL not consulted on and fees are mentioned only ONCE! All this change & no extra resource! Sorry for caps! #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF Glossary for "Housing Delivery Test" says measured on homes delivered but also importantly "the number of homes granted permission" - which is more within LPAs' control! #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF Annex 1 Implementation has transitional arrangements, and also removes outdated Housing Delivery Test references #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF para 161 is a new policy supporting retrofit #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF chapter 14 So "local consent" for wind farms (& maybe fracking??) is further defined in footnote 62 which talks about LDOs and CRTBOs & footnote 63 which mentions SPDs #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF para 142 “Green Belt boundaries are not required to be reviewed and altered if this would be the only means of meeting the objectively assessed need for housing over the plan period” #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF para 137 “ensure that relevant planning conditions refer to clear and accurate plans and drawings which provide visual clarity about the design of the development, and are clear about the approved use of materials...” for enforcement #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy
New draft #NPPF para 122 e) A really detailed policy on mansard extensions! #LURB https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-national-planning-policy