One more #SheMakesMusic track for #JukeboxFridayNight before we head off, and this is one of several bands I've supported over the years, helping their funding efforts to make music in a post-contracts world. Luscious Jackson with Ladyfingers.
#Music #ladyfingers #lusciousjackson #jukeboxfridaynight #shemakesmusic
DAY 24: song by a band you wish was still together #30DaySongChallenge
"Naked Eye" by #LusciousJackson (1997)
#eddiefm #lusciousjackson #30daysongchallenge
Saturday mood: "Naked Eye" by #LusciousJackson 🎼 🎤
Today I’m jamming to Luscious Jackson’s 1994 album, Natural Ingredients. It doesn’t have a single skip for me. Love every song.
Some highlights include: “Citysong,” “Strongman,” and especially “Rock Freak.”
“Here” is the most bop that has ever bopped.
I wasn’t familiar with Luscious Jackson until a couple years ago. Last year I was in their top 100 listeners on Apple Music.
#music #girlband #lusciousjackson
Friday lunchtime listening… #LusciousJackson #ElectricHoney
#lusciousjackson #electrichoney
È morta Vivian Trimble co-fondatrice delle Luscious Jackson. Aveva 59 anni e soffriva di un tumore da tempo. 😢 RIP
#lusciousjackson #viviantrimble
March 17 2023
The word is “Flower”
Song: “Flowers”
Band: Cibo Matto
Album: “Stereo Type A” 1999
Pour yourself a cocktail and settle into your egg chair. Slip those #SergioMendesAndBrasil66 records back into their sleeves, and your #LusciousJackson CDs back into their cases; it’s time for #CiboMotto.
#alternatefridaymusic #sergiomendesandbrasil66 #lusciousjackson #cibomotto
I must be getting old; almost 10 on a Friday night and ready for bed. Maybe it was the hot tea and bourbon. Whatever the case, LJ sends me off to zonk.
#musicofmastodon #lusciousjackson
Alternatieve rockband en muziekale kameleon opgericht in '91 te Manhattan, door #KateSchellenbach en #JillCunniff. De band vernoemde zichzelf naar een beroemde basketbalspeler.
In 2000 gaan ze uit elkaar, en concentreren ze zich op andere projecten,
om in 2011 terug samen te komen, wel zonder Vivian Trimble die de band #DustyTrails heeft opgestart.
#lusciousjackson #kateschellenbach #jillcunniff #dustytrails
Happy weekend everyone! Please enjoy #LusciousJackson - Naked Eye while you chill.
This time of year brings Naked Eye by Luscious Jackson to mind and I can trace this back to my first job in IT. Around Christmas and New Year we would typically have less to do in the office so a group of us used to play Duke Nukem on the LAN, headphones on, listening to CDs. I had a CD single of this track with loads of mixes on that could get 3 or 4 repeat plays through before I'd think to choose some new #music.
#dukenukem #musicvideo #nakedeye #lusciousjackson #Music
Alternatieve rockband en muziekale kameleon opgericht in '91 te Manhattan. De band vernoemde zichzelf naar een beroemde basketbalspeler.
In 2000 gaan ze uit elkaar, en concentreren ze zich op andere projecten, om in 2011 terug samen te komen, wel zonder Vivian Trimble die de band Dusty Trails heeft opgestart.
Alternatieve rockband en muziekale kameleon opgericht in '91 te Manhattan. De band vernoemde zichzelf naar een beroemde basketbalspeler.
In 2000 gaan ze uit elkaar, en concentreren ze zich op andere projecten, om in 2011 terug samen te komen, wel zonder Vivian Trimble die de band Dusty Trails heeft opgestart.
Morning music. 🎶♬♩🎶🎵
One of my favorite travel albums because of the chill groove it generates.