La Nasa va déposer bientôt un radiotélescope sur la Lune pour étudier les âges sombres #lunarsurfaceelectromagneticexplorer #explorationdelafacecachéedelalune #lunarcraterradiotelescope #fonddiffuscosmologique #raie21cmdelhydrogène #énergienoire #astronomie #âgesombres #lusee #lune
#lune #lusee #agesombres #astronomie #energienoire #raie21cmdelhydrogene #fonddiffuscosmologique #lunarcraterradiotelescope #explorationdelafacecacheedelalune #lunarsurfaceelectromagneticexplorer
Erstes Teleskop für die Rückseite des Mondes. Radioteleskop LuSEE-Night soll erstmals Signale aus der "Dunklen Ära" des Kosmos einfangen. #LuSEE #Mond #Radioteleskop #Astronomie
#lusee #mond #Radioteleskop #astronomie
Astronomers Prepare to Launch LuSEE Night, A Test Observatory on the Far Side of the Moon
Astronomers Prepare to Launch LuSEE Night, A Test Observatory on the Far Side of the Moon
by Paul M. Sutter
Astronomers have not yet been able to map large portions of the radio emissions from our universe because of interference from the Earth itself. A team of astronomers hopes to change that, beginning with the LuSEE Night mission to the far side of the Moon.
#nasa #moon #lusee #astronomy #Science #technology