In morte di Luca Di Meo, già Luther Blissett, già Wu Ming 3 (1964 – 2023)
"La notizia non era inattesa, ma quando arriva è inattesa sempre. Comincia a girare nel pomeriggio, raggiungendo persone sparpagliate qua e là per i quattro cantoni d’Europa. Noi compresi. Uno di noi la riceve mentre è sul traghetto per la Grecia.
Luca «non c’è più». Questa la frase di Christiano al telefono da Berlino."
#libri #libriSegreti #lutherblissett #wuming
#libri #LibriSegreti #lutherblissett #wuming
Networkers never die. L’archivio di Piermario Ciani approda al Mart #DuccioDogheria #LutherBlissett #PiermarioCiani #Notizie #Mailart #Mart
#DuccioDogheria #lutherblissett #piermariociani #notizie #mailart #mart
Today in Labor History January 21, 1525: Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz and George Blaurock founded the Swiss Anabaptist movement by baptizing each other and breaking a thousand-year tradition of church-state union. The Anabaptists were considered Radical Reformers. They preached against hate, killing, violence, taking oaths, participating in use of force or any military actions and against participation in civil government. They also believed in separation of church and state. However, some Anabaptists went even further, like those in the Munster Commune, who called for the absolute equality of man in all matters, including the distribution of wealth. They called upon the poor of the region to join them in sharing all the wealth of the town. Many also believed in polygamy and free love. Not surprisingly, both the Roman Catholics and the nascent Lutherans persecuted them heavily. This history is wonderfully portrayed in the epic novel, “Q” by the Italian fiction collective, Luther Blissett.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #peasants #protestant #Reformation #LutherBlissett #anabaptist #equality #freelove #communal #polygamy #lutheran @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #peasants #protestant #Reformation #lutherblissett #anabaptist #equality #freelove #communal #polygamy #lutheran
dai creatori di "q l'abbiamo inventato noi, col nostro romanzo!" una nuova avvicente avventura /s
Of course, as well as the irruptions of the divine in the Fediverse strata, #JohnMastodon represents a return of the multi-user persona, in the tradition of #NedLudd, #JerryCornelius, #LutherBlissett and others.
Significantly, the bird site has increasingly become fixated by the authority of the Blue Tick to indicate fixity of identity. The alternative is fluidity, which was a key aspect of the game of masques that was the 20th Century iteration of teh interwebs.
#lutherblissett #Jerrycornelius #nedludd #johnmastodon
"Assuredly there was #MyspaceTom, for he is known as #FirstFriend by the generation that was sired by #LutherBlissett. We know of these two, and I will impart the further secret of a third master who walks among us as if unknown, but familiar as the face in the looking glass. For #JohnMastodon gives us but one sole commandment: join me."
- Hypostasis of the Archons
#johnmastodon #lutherblissett #firstfriend #myspacetom
Nando Vitale, Cyberguida. Parole chiave della comunicazione e dei nuovi media
Datanews, 1996
Quando il negazionismo sbarcò in rete #Europeancounternetwork #nomadismoidentitario #RobertFaurisson #LutherBlissett #RudyM.Leonelli #altreragioni #nazifascismo #negazionismo #relativismo #ErnstNolte #Bologna #shoah #Blog #1992
#blog #shoah #zic #bologna #ErnstNolte #relativismo #negazionismo #nazifascismo #altreragioni #RudyM #lutherblissett #RobertFaurisson #nomadismoidentitario #EuropeanCounterNetwork
Informati, credi, crepa.
Doc su #LutherBlissett Project di online per qualche giorno
📻 WDR: Thrillerserie Q von Luther Blissett
Deutschland 1522: Ein junger Revolutionär stürzt sich an Thomas Müntzers Seite in die Bauernkriege. Auf seinen Fersen: Q, Spion der Inquisition. Ein rasanter historischer Thriller führt beide quer durch Europa.
#hörspiel #wdr #bauernkriege #lutherblissett #q
Come un incendio d'estate secca e ventosa: Molto bella la mostra sui #20annidiQ organizzata dalla #biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio, a #Bologna e in rete #LutherBlissett #WuMing #letture #CreativeCommons
#20annidiq #biblioteca #bologna #lutherblissett #wuming #letture #creativecommons
Di controinchieste e beffe al mainstream #AcabnewsBologna #bambinidisatana #carlinidisatana #StoriaeMemoria #Zeroincondotta #internazionale #lutherblissett #Movimenti #Culture #wuming1 #zicit #zic
#acabnewsbologna #bambinidisatana #carlinidisatana #storiaememoria #zeroincondotta #internazionale #lutherblissett #movimenti #culture #wuming1 #zicit #zic