I had very good nomms in @diningcar : Vegan curry sausage and some non-alcoholic beer, since @vio was out of stock.
Also, I saw #Luwuik railway station. uwu uwu uwu
@deluisa @antonia @_Hemmschuh Strassenbahn Aix-la-Chapelle - #Luwuik, wann ? Mit Ueberlandverbindung zur Strassenbahn Koeln-Bonn ?
Liège / #Luwuik :tec: bus in traffic jam. See, that's why you need suburban railway transport 🥺.
After arriving in a cute SNCF série 4300 / :thalys: PBKA RubY in #Luwuik-Guillemins. Many :sncb: class 08 / Siemens Desiro ML units here. Now taking the :sncb: InterCity bringing me to Louvain 🎉.
#reisealpaka now on its way further to #Belgium :alpaka_aktion: ! Featuring a last nomms of #Franzbrötchen, Flora Power mate and #PlantaardigChocomel / #CécémelVégétal in an ICE 3M before riding further to the border in a cuddly corner of a Nederlandse Sporweegen class 1700 :alpaka_dafuq: . Now enjoying a 1st class InterCity to Leuven leaving #Luwuik-Guillemins in the mist colorful light experience :alpaka_lovely: !
#reisealpaka #belgium #franzbrotchen #plantaardigchocomel #cecemelvegetal #luwuik