Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
6 followers · 13913 posts · Server
Paul Kwietniak · @DuBusGuy19
49 followers · 492 posts · Server
Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2099 followers · 6256 posts · Server

How might we characterise ?

There are lost of ways, but if we (for instance) take largest corporate market capitalisation as indicative there is something interesting happening;

In 2010 the top ten corporates was dominated by conglomerates, utilities & banks.... but by this year there were FOUR luxury goods firms.

Moreover two-thirds of revenue belongs to European firms.

So, while Europe may think its an industrial economy, actually its a luxury provider!

#european #capitalism #luxurygoods

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1912 followers · 4869 posts · Server

One index of how the are just getting richer & richer is how much they spend on

Perhaps the most extraordinary thing is since 2010, in the wake of the global financial crisis, which for many UK remains a high-point in income/wealth they have yet to get back to.... spending on luxury goods has doubled!!!

I don't know who these people are but they sure as hell are having a better financial time of the last decade than the rest of us!!

#rich #luxurygoods #workers

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1761 followers · 4148 posts · Server

There's an crisis in the sector, as long-training but relatively low life-time earnings have led to a sever shortage of in many ateliers producing high-end products

Here, is one market when one might have thought there would be headroom to pay - - a better wage to encourage new entrants.

But on the other hand a significant number of such businesses are owned by the world's richest man, who didn't get there by foregoing a share of profits!

#employment #luxurygoods #workers #artisans

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel · @moddan
15 followers · 115 posts · Server
cinzo studio · @cinzo
2 followers · 1 posts · Server