Cordell: Allow judges to reconsider life without parole sentences
Retired Santa Clara County Judge LaDoris Cordell is advocating that California should support SB 94, which would allow judges to reconsider life without parole sentences imposed in the 1970s and 1980s for inmates in prisons...
...there are incarcerated individuals who are completely rehabilitated but continue to be warehoused in our prisons for decades and counting. Why?
#lwop #sb94 #california #prisons
Senate committee OKs second chance bill
The legislation was given a favorable of 8-2 and will move to the full Senate.
#alabama #prison #Abolition #lwop
> Ok, this is a big one! I am beyond thrilled to announce that after serving 25 years of a life sentence, and over 7 years of litigation, our longtime client Alejandra walked free from old Folsom State Prison!
Help fund a #care #package for #Willie #Simmons. These are the packages offered through the #Alabama department of corrections. The window to order the package for the second quarter is now open. I have a catalog which Willie marked up, to use as a guide for which items to order. You can help offset the cost of this by donating to his general fund: Thanks
#Care #package #willie #simmons #alabama #MutualAid #JusticeForWillieSimmons #lwop
#Alabama's #Second #Chance bill #HB229 sponsored by rep #ChrisEngland
> Currently, 25% of people incarcerated in Alabama’s prisons are age 50 or older and there are close to 220 individuals serving #LWOP life without parole sentences under the #Habitual #Felony #Offender Act for crimes that resulted in no physical injury.
#alabama #second #chance #hb229 #chrisengland #lwop #habitual #felony #offender #appleseed
Steve is finally FREE after two life sentences are reversed!
#lwop #life #without #parole #threestrikes
The Willie Simmons Defense Committee just met. Mainly to catch up and provide each other with support. Willie has a lawyer, but things are slow going.
If you want to help see the links here:
#willie #simmons #lwop #alabama
Ending 2022 on a hopeful note
We need more stories like the release of Henry Towns
#criminal #justice #reporting #alabama #LWOP #HFOA #Beth #Shelburne
#criminal #justice #reporting #alabama #lwop #hfoa #beth #shelburne
Project invites the public to sit face-to-face with men serving life sentences
KALW: Nearly 5,000 people are sentenced to die in Louisiana prisons without any possibility of parole.
The Visiting Room Project is the largest collection of first person testimonials ever gathered from people serving this sentence. We’ll speak with two participants of the project who were recently freed and find out what it’s like to re-enter the world after decades ...
Please add Willie Simmons to your #holiday #card list. Let him know that folks are thinking of him. His snail mail address is listed here:
#holiday #card #prison #Abolition #alabama #lwop #life #without #parole
"There’s this fight that the way to abolish the death
penalty is to commute everybody to life without parole. And I just can’t get behind that. That’s still physical, social, and
civic death. “But at least they’re alive … ” That to me is an
absolute perfect example of a reformist reform, which
actually makes it less likely that we’re going to get people
out of jail and prisons."
- #MariameKaba 'We Do This 'Til We Free Us'
Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, is commuting the sentences of individuals on death row and dismantling the state execution chamber in an effort to effectively end capital punishment in the state.
Brown said: "Justice is not advanced by taking a life, and the state should not be in the business of executing people."
I agree. But what sort of justice is life in prison without the possibility of parole?
The savagery of Life Without Parole (#LWOP) sentencing
What specifically has been problematic about my situation is that I did not commit the crime that I am imprisoned for. I was not convicted for killing the victim in this case. I was acquitted on the charge that I personally used a weapon in the commission of the crime. Nothing at all has been fair or just about...
#Lifewithoutparole #prisonersupport #California #innocence #justice #MichaelReedDorrough
#michaelreeddorrough #justice #innocence #california #prisonersupport #lifewithoutparole #lwop
Youth has constitutional significance: Ending life without parole #LWOP
Some good news for the holidays: I represent incarcerated people in Illinois. Three years ago, a wonderful client serving #LWOP for an armed robbery died in #prison simply because Illinois did not have a medical release law. Frustrated, my heartbroken team wrote a law, which went into effect this year.
Since then, dozens of people have been released under this humane law. Today, we learned that two more people (one, a client) have won their #freedom and will be home for the holidays. #LawFedi
#lwop #prison #freedom #lawfedi