There are several desktop environments based on GTK besides GNOME, such as #Budgie, #Cinnamon, #LXDE, #MATE, #Unity, #XFCE. They are the standard for many operating system distributions.
GNOME Web can also be perfectly used on other desktops, such as those based on the Qt library (KDE, LXQt, Deepin etc). It's just that it takes advantage of already-loaded GTK libraries, saving resources and being more integrated with the rest of the system.
#freedom of choice! #FreeSoftware #FOSS
#budgie #cinnamon #lxde #mate #unity #xfce #freedom #freesoftware #foss
Yep, and #OpenBox isn't a bad choice either. If you've used #Raspbian's default desktop, then you've used OpenBox: as that's the window manager they use (part of the #LXDE desktop).
Another good one I've used in the past is #FluxBox -- one feature I like about it is that you can group windows from disparate applications into a single tabbed window by dragging the title with the right mouse button.
#openbox #raspbian #lxde #fluxbox
in the end since #LXDE in #Ubuntu has problems with #Blender, I decided to use #IceWM, it is only less than 8Mb installed use 4.5mb of RAM and which doesn't create any problems, I would say that I don't need anything else. #b3d #Linux
#Linux #b3d #icewm #Blender #Ubuntu #lxde
@thelinuxcast on most of my recent #Linux installs I just have #XFCE. My wife has a few on her laptop as thay was the first computer we switches to Linux, this it has been our testing unit. I knownit has #KDE, XFCE, #AwesomeWM, #Openbox , #I3, #Gnome, and I think #Budgie
Edit: oh my little mango pi is rocking XFCE, #LXDE, and Openbox
#lxde #linux #xfce #kde #awesomewm #openbox #i3 #gnome #budgie
Using more and more #Linux every day I learn something new, today I found that I can use a different X Manger on #LXDE that uses #OpenBox as default manger, I noticed that now I can also choose #IceWM instead of OpenBox, but I prefer OpenBox aesthetically. Anyway I wiped all every app that as the word xfce in the descriptions or name.😎
The more I use #XFCE in #Ubuntu 22.04 the more I realize it is a very bad Desktop manager compared to the new #LXDE. #Linux #opensource
#OpenSource #Linux #lxde #Ubuntu #xfce
@jpaskaruk I am a window arranger too. It's very time consuming. This is my desktop at the moment. I'm in Puppy on an older 32-bit netbook with a neon icon theme, browsing in #Palemoon & writing posts in #Leafpad. The DE is JWM which is lighter & more rustic than XFCE, but this distro also has #LXDE with a switch.
What I booted looked nothing like this but I manually adjust each boot because it is all in ram & I am not saving the adjustments. That is primarily for security.
Luckily I do not have your mouse problem in XFCE. The only other DE I use is MATE, but I think of it as luxurious for a more powerful machine.
@torspedia @w84death The installer looks like #Debian, and I can tell you for a fact that Debian will fit just fine on 8 GB of storage because I was almost able to install it on 2 GB (ended up going with 3 GB) in a VM and after installation it was using about 1 GB plus a swap partition. Admittedly that's for a very minimal system, but that does leave plenty of room for whatever you want to add beyond a basic bootable text-based system.