#Cannabis #Grow #OpenSource #CannaWatery #CannaClocky #CannaBreezy
"In a cascade of #GNU-screens from #LXTerminal to #Gnome-Terminal, the mouse 'learned' to do impressive harmful menu-actions... 😱 🙈 "
Now, all 3 projects got "fuses" to waste messy inputs (by user, mouse, terminal) before shit can happen.
#Cannabis #grow #opensource #cannawatery #cannaclocky #cannabreezy #gnu #lxterminal #gnome
Je comprend, comme j'utlise que du matos d'occasion et je ne joue pas je n'ai pas tous ses soucis.
Perso etant sous une #debian #sid avec #dwm comme gestionaire de fenetre et je fais un max de chose dans le terminal (#lxterminal).
@RL_Dane Ooh, interesting. Does #lxterminal have its own Yakuake-equivalent, ie, a dropdown function?
I use #lxterminal instead of #konsole on #KDE #Plasma and I have no shame.
Konsole is super cool, except that when you increase the font size, the window stays the same size and you get fewer rows and columns.
I don't know any other terminal emulator that behaves that way, and I think that's as silly way to go about it. :(
Sorry. O_o
#lxterminal #konsole #kde #plasma