🪷 #WerewolfWednesday #Zeus created the first #werewolf or #wolfman: #Lycaon, who defied the god's ban on human sacrifice at his altars. Hence #Lycanthropy. #Werewolves were well-known in the days of #Antinous: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/07/werewolves-were-well-known-in-days-of.html #fullmoon #supermoon #supermoonaugust2023 🪷
#werewolfwednesday #Zeus #werewolf #wolfman #lycaon #lycanthropy #werewolves #antinous #fullmoon #supermoon #supermoonaugust2023
🪷 #WerewolfWednesday #Zeus created the first #werewolf or #wolfman: #Lycaon, who defied the god's ban on human sacrifice at his altars. Hence #Lycanthropy. #Werewolves were well-known in the days of #Antinous: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/07/werewolves-were-well-known-in-days-of.html #fullmoon #supermoon #supermoonaugust2023 🪷
#werewolfwednesday #Zeus #werewolf #wolfman #lycaon #lycanthropy #werewolves #antinous #fullmoon #supermoon #supermoonaugust2023
Julycanthropy 2023 #24: Bark at the Moon
Am I forced to resort to modern beat combos to find werewolves now? If yesterday's and today's offerings are any clue, then the answer is a resounding 'duh.' Based this on the photoshoot Ozzy Osbourne did to promote 'Bark at the Moon', 40-odd years ago.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy #barkatthemoon #bark_at_the_moon #ozzyosbourne #ozzy_osbourne
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy #barkatthemoon #bark_at_the_moon #ozzyosbourne #ozzy_osbourne
Julycanthropy 2023 #23: Werewolves of London
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Ah who?
Based on the art for the 'Werewolves of London' picture disc.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #warrenzevon #warren_zevon #werewolvesoflondon #werewolves_of_london
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #warrenzevon #warren_zevon #werewolvesoflondon #werewolves_of_london
Julycanthropy 2023 #21: Man-Wolf
Another Marvel werewolf. Man-Wolf, aka John Jonah Jameson III. Not so well-known as J. Jonah Jameson, Jr. maybe if he spent a bit less time as an astronaut with lycanthropy because of a magic gem while wearing dodgy banded mail underpants; and a bit more time yelling "Parker, YOU'RE FIRED! AND GET ME PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN!" he'd be as well-known as his father.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #man_wolf #manwolf #johnjameson #john_jameson
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #man_wolf #manwolf #johnjameson #john_jameson
Julycanthropy 2023 #19: Wolfsbane
Wolfsbane yesterday; Wolfsbane today. Today it's Rahne Sinclair, aka Wolfsbane, whose lycanthropy is a mutant power, not a communicable curse -- although her ultra-religious upbringing made her think it was for a while.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #newmutants #new_mutants #wolfsbane #rahnesinclair #rahne_sinclair
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #NewMutants #new_mutants #wolfsbane #rahnesinclair #rahne_sinclair
Julycanthropy 2023 #17: Eddie Quist
Eddie Quist, from The Howling. Overshadowed a bit by An American Werewolf in London, maybe. Played by Robert Picardo, who you'd never believe was so hairy.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #thehowling #the_howling #eddiequist #eddie_quist
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #thehowling #the_howling #eddiequist #eddie_quist
Julycanthropy 2023 #16: Sabre Man
Sabre Man. An adventurer who stole a talisman from a jungle haunted by the kleptomaniac Sabre Wulf, he was infected with lycanthropy, and the game Knight Lore dealt with his efforts to effect a cure for his condition.
#sabreman #sabre_man #sabre_wulf #sabrewulf #KnightLore #knight_lore #pentagram #acg #rare #utimateplaythegame #ultimate_play_the_game #ultimate #underwurlde #miremare #mire_mare #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy
#sabreman #sabre_man #sabre_wulf #sabrewulf #knightlore #knight_lore #pentagram #acg #rare #utimateplaythegame #ultimate_play_the_game #ultimate #underwurlde #miremare #mire_mare #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #lycanthropy
Julycanthropy #14: Anthony Romulus
The Anthony Lupus story-arc made it into Batman: The Animated Series. Obviously his look was updated to Bruce Timm's style, and looked more like a wolf this time; and his name was changed from Lupus to Romulus. Presumably Lupus was a bit too on the nose.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #anthony_romulus #anthonyromulus #batmantheanimatedseries #batman_the_animated_series #batmantas
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #anthony_romulus #anthonyromulus #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries #batman_the_animated_series #BatmanTAS
Julycanthropy 2023 #12: Anthony Lupus
Created by Len Wein and Neal Adams, Lupus became a werewolf thanks to the machinations of Dr. Milo.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #anthony_lupus #anthonylupus
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #anthony_lupus #anthonylupus
Julycanthropy 2023 09: Will Randall
Will Randall, mid-transformation, from the film 'Wolf'. Unfortunately, it's that stage of transformation where the lycanthrope grows one fuck of a neckbeard.
Offered as proof that I still really, really need to practice as this looks absolutely nothing like Jack Nicholson. It's as bad a likeness as my earlier picture of Doc Brown was of Christopher Lloyd.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #wolf #willrandall #will_randall
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #wolf #willrandall #will_randall
Julycanthropy 2023 #08: Jacob Russoff
Jacob Russoff, aka Jack Russell, aka the Werewolf By Night, as seen in Werewolf By Night #1. Having a particularly bad hair day.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #jacob_russoff #jacobrussoff #jack_russell #jackrussell #werewolf_by_night #werewolfbynight
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #jacob_russoff #jacobrussoff #jack_russell #jackrussell #werewolf_by_night #werewolfbynight
Julycanthropy 2023 07: Tony Rivers
Tony Rivers, from I Was a Teenage Werewolf. I struggled with this for a couple of days, and now I'm a day behind. Well, at least it took me six days to fall behind, rather than starting out a week behind. Still a bit pissed off with myself though.
#lycanthropy #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #i_was_a_teenage_werewolf #iwasateenagewerewolf #tonyrivers #tony_rivers
#lycanthropy #julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #werewolf #i_was_a_teenage_werewolf #iwasateenagewerewolf #tonyrivers #tony_rivers
Julycanthropy 2023 #6: Wolfpack.
I'm sure both Superman and Jimmy Olsen have had a dose of lycanthropy before, but I wanted to pick a DC character about whom being a werewolf was their main schtick. Hence, Pfc Warren Griffith of the Creature Commandos, aka 'Wolfpack'.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #warren_griffith #warrengriffith #wolfpack #creaturecommandos #creature_commandos
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #warren_griffith #warrengriffith #wolfpack #creaturecommandos #creature_commandos
Julycanthropy 2023 #5: Judge Dredd
Captured mid-catchphrase and mid-metamorphosis.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #judge_dredd #judgedredd #dreddwolf #cryofthewerewolf #cry_of_the_werewolf #steve_dillon #stevedillon
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #judge_dredd #judgedredd #dreddwolf #cryofthewerewolf #cry_of_the_werewolf #steve_dillon #stevedillon
Julycanthropy 2023 #4: Capwolf.
It's July 4th, and though I'm not American it's obvious that I ought to do something to tie in with Independence Day. So here's Captain America, circa the 'Man and Wolf' storyline by Mark Gruenwald and Rik Levins, in which Cap became a werewolf.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #captainamerica #captain_america #steverogers #steve_rogers #capwolf #rik_levins #mark_gruenwald #manandwolf #man_and_wolf
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #captainamerica #captain_america #SteveRogers #steve_rogers #capwolf #rik_levins #mark_gruenwald #manandwolf #man_and_wolf
Julycanthropy 2023 #3: Larry Talbot
Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers by night;
May become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #The_Wolf_Man #thewolfman #larry_talbot #larrytalbot #lawrence_talbot #lawrencetalbot #lonchaneyjr #lon_chaney_jr #wolfman #wolf_man
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #werewolf #the_wolf_man #TheWolfMan #larry_talbot #larrytalbot #lawrence_talbot #lawrencetalbot #lonchaneyjr #lon_chaney_jr #Wolfman #wolf_man
Remembering #ElisabethBrooks (1951-97), the Canadian film, stage and television actor, born in Toronto #OnThisDay. She worked primarily on television, but particularly memorable as Marsha Quist, the predatory, statuesque #Werewolf who seduces Dee Wallace's husband at the commune in Joe Dante's beloved #TheHowling (1981).
#OTD #BOTD #BornOnThisDay #Werewolves #Lycanthropy #HorrorMovies
#elisabethbrooks #OnThisDay #werewolf #thehowling #otd #botd #bornonthisday #werewolves #lycanthropy #horrormovies
Julycanthropy 2023 01: Intro
After the hassle I gave myself to get March of Robots and Kaijune done, why am I subjecting myself to Julycanthropy?
Because I'm an idiot, that's why. Still, start simple. Start with a cliché.
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #lycanthrope #werewolf
#julycanthropy2023 #julycanthropy #lycanthropy #lycanthrope #werewolf
What i've seen on #Tumblr in my short time on it:
- clinical #Lycanthropy blogs
- a ton of #Pride
- cute #Wolf drawings
- a surprisingly active #Wolfblood community
- Aimée Kelly getting married
- #Thasmin and #Tenrose ✨
#tenrose #thasmin #wolfblood #wolf #pride #lycanthropy #tumblr