@reiver they'll shrivel down and die a slow & deservedly painful death like #CompuServe, #Lycos, #AIM, #ICQ, #MySpace, #GooglePlus, #tumblr (and everything else #Yahoo touched) did before...
#yahoo #tumblr #googleplus #myspace #icq #aim #lycos #Compuserve
#SocialMedia History (teilweise überlappend, in grober Zeitschiene):
- #BTX
- #Lycos Chat
- #SecondLife
- #MySpace
- die ganzen „VZ“-Sachen
- #Facebook
- #Twitter
- #Snapchat
- #Instagram
- #Google+
- #Mastodon I
- #Ello
- Mastodon II
- #Pixelfed
- #BlueSky
Puh, und vermutlich waren das noch nichtmal alle… 🥵
#socialmedia #btx #lycos #secondlife #myspace #facebook #twitter #snapchat #instagram #google #mastodon #ello #pixelfed #bluesky
Who knew #lycos was still a thing?
I still remember it as the first search engine that didn’t completely suck :)
2023: the year I appear to have time travelled back to 1998 and used Lycos again since Google is getting worse everyday for non trivial results.
#seo #searchengines #lycos #Google #search
Que veloz que sería todo si volvieramos a ella ahora, cuando navegar era mismo navegar por miles de sitios hechos por gente real #internet #archive #nostalgia #recuerdos #retro #90s #altavista #yahoo #lycos #geocities
#geocities #lycos #yahoo #altavista #90s #retro #recuerdos #nostalgia #archive #internet
"It may be hard to believe, but there was once a time on the internet before #Google existed. In those dark times, when you wanted to look for something, you had to use a site like #WebCrawler, #Lycos, #AltaVista (unless you live and Pawnee and are still using it), and #yahoo .
Yahoo back then wasn’t so much a search engine, as it was a #phonebook. It was a #hierarchical listing of #websites grouped together by #subject.
#darktimes #webrings #google #webcrawler #lycos #altavista #yahoo #phonebook #hierarchical #websites #subject
@jerome_herbinet moins que maintenant... Et je surfais avec #lycos(va chercher !) 😅
#Mastodon: Well, I have only been here for three days, but it feels very much like 1994 all over again: That first hesitant email, those first adventurous clicks on pre-#Google internet search engines. Remember grappling with these?
Let's be patient, progress may be happening before our eyes, again!
#mastodon #google #WebCrawler #lycos #AltaVista #Excite #Dogpile #AskJeeves #JumpStation
Como contaba en uno de mis toots fijados: desde 1996 ando por internet y #latinchat fue uno de los 1ros lugares que hallé para socializar.
Después en varios chats síncronos y asíncronos (#IRC, #peoplelink, #yahoo, etc), donde conocí personas de las conservo amistad hasta hoy.
Hice mi webpage en html puro en #LYCOS y luego en #GEOCITIES.
Terminé en #Blogger (la verdad #WordPress nunca me atrajo) y en ese inter pasé por #MySpace #Hi5 #Fb y #Twitter
Ahora henos aquí en #Mastodon
#latinchat #irc #peoplelink #yahoo #lycos #geocities #blogger #wordpress #myspace #hi5 #fb #twitter #mastodon