Not bad real-time camera posses from a single image using MiDAS v3.1 + #glslViewer + #LYGIA
New #LYGIA example for the sampler of 3D #SDF from single image files #theworkshop
Adding GLSL/HLSL (WGSL is on it's way) version of Ronald van Wijnen's
spectral mix to #LYGIA. In the example you can see (from top to bottom): regular mix,
Björn Ottosson's OkLab mix, Spectral mix and
Secret Weapons's Mixbox.
RT @patriciogv
I recibe a PR for #LYGIA made using ChatGPT. Impressive ability to move between shading languages (GLSL/HLSL/WGSL) and formatted internal documentation. Do anybody knows what are the license implications of merging this PR?
Over the weekend I added folder navigation and function self documentation to #LYGIA's website. Give it a try #theWorkshop
#Lygia and the Bull.
This sculpture illustrates a scene from the historical novel Quo Vadis (1896) by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz. In the novel, set in ancient Rome, the Emperor Nero sentences the young Christian woman Lygia to a public death—being tied to a bull—as part of his punishment of Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE. She is saved by her manservant, who manages to kill the bull with his bare hands.
RT @patriciogv
#LYGIA #Shader Library update: check all the new integrations at Like the @ossia_io by @jcelerie, @npmjs by @eduardfossas, IRMF by @gmlewis_me, @figma plugin by @rogie.
@Raspberry_Pi this video shows the PBR model of #LYGIA after some optimizations. Mostly some compromises on the quality of shadows and IBL sampling. Also have several fall backs to choose lighter algorithms that use less arithmetic instructions when running on a Pi, mobile device or on webGL
I added file drop to #GlslViewer and it's a game changer as a way to enhance #shader development in linux. Perfect as a default viewer for PLYs, OBJs, LTS and GLTFs that later you can drop a vert/frag, textures, videos and HDR cubemaps.
Try it in the latest release, 3.0.8:
And combine it with #LYGIA 's example for glslViewer
#theWorkshop #lygia #shader #glslViewer
I added file drop to #GlslViewer and it's a game changer as a way to enhance #shader development in linux. Perfect as a default viewer for PLYs, OBJs, LTS and GLTFs that later you can drop a vert/frag, textures, videos and HDR cubemaps.
Try it in the latest release, 3.0.8:
And combine it with #LYGIA 's example for glslViewer
#theWorkshop #lygia #shader #glslViewer
Adding Drag&Drop on, so people can drop a #shader with #LYGIA's dependencies and get back one with all dependencies resolve. #theWorkshop
Coding a #raymarching scene with zero clutter using #LYGIA #theWorkshop
#theWorkshop #lygia #raymarching
Polishing an experiment: [ Obj Mesh -> BVH -> SDF -> slices -> PNG ] w -> RayMarching w #GlslViewer + #LYGIA. We shape the tools... : )
@guidoschmidt made a mesmerizing for #LYGIA web sandbox thank you!
Second × threejs example featuring:
- PBR materials
- Dynamic shadow mapping
👇repo link:
#pbr #webgl #threejs #lygia #rendering
I've just pushed the first super simple 3D example using in #threejs. It's (just) yet basic diffuse material with shadow mapping... I'll try to add more examples in the upcoming days/weeks 🙂
Hi friends I'm going to give a workshop on SHADER PROTOTYPING. A live 2 hour zoom class on setting up a #shader workflow so you can jump into creation & keep up momentum. I will show #glslViewer and #lygia
8am - 10am PST | 11am-1pm EST | 5pm - 7pm CET
SIGN UP HERE, class is $44: