"#Yale School of Medicine (YSM) officially launched its new Center for #Infection & #Immunity (CII), established within the Department of #Immunobiology, on August 18."
"The mission of the new center will be to provide a greater understanding of the basic science behind infectious diseases, with an emphasis on #LongCOVID, post-treatment #Lyme disease, and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (#MECFS)."
#COVID19 #science #mecfs #lyme #LongCovid #immunobiology #immunity #infection #yale
The journalist who put this together did their best to touch on a lot of information, but this is only an into to doctors & researchers getting together--finally--to discuss what's going on with people who have #LongCovid (LC19), or any persistent symptom infection.
I see overlaps with #ME/CFA, persistent #Lyme, #EBV & others. Note--there is no cure for LC19 or any of these conditions. There are things that improve quality of life--if you can find folk who believe you.
@aral That's his best song by far. I feel he is getting a bit stranded artistically at the moment. Maybe the constant travelling for treatment, seems relentless. Thought of him today when I read this (#foxes are essential against #lyme disease https://lareleveetlapeste.fr/les-renards-sont-indispensables-pour-lutter-contre-la-propagation-de-la-maladie-de-lyme/)
#RKI 🤝 Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit
🆕Epidemiologische Studie zum Antikörper-Vorkommen @Eurosurveillanc
Die zeckenübertragene #Lyme #Borreliose geht mit Haut- und neurologischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen einher. #Zoonosen
➡️ https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.34.2200855
#rki #lyme #borreliose #Zoonosen
Ticks are becoming a growing health risk in the UK – here’s why
#ClimateChange undoubtedly has had a huge impact on tick infestations
This has been particularly noticeable in colder regions, such as in parts of Canada where ticks had not previously been recorded. In the UK recent milder winters mean ticks are being sighted earlier in the year than normal
#ticks #outdoors #hiking #walkers #nature #GlobalWarming #UK #illness #Lyme #LymeDisease #bugs #insects #woodlands
#woodlands #insects #bugs #lymedisease #lyme #illness #uk #globalwarming #nature #walkers #hiking #outdoors #ticks #climatechange
Oh, une bonne nouvelle :
#Tiques : bientôt un vaccin contre la maladie de #Lyme ?
>Les chercheurs de l’Inrae ont mis au point un vaccin innovant contre la maladie de Lyme. Celui-ci vise directement la tique, en l’empêchant de transmettre la bactérie Borrelia, responsable de la maladie.
Study shows host #adaptation drives #genetic #variation in #Lyme disease #bacteria.
#adaptation #genetic #variation #lyme #bacteria #evolution #borrelia #ospc
Thank you, Effie, for the link. Not, afaik, dealing with ME/CFS or LC19, but have battled decades of gaslighting on long vector diseases like Lyme variants, EBV, and mold biomes formed from molds found in buildings where leaking roof/pipes have caused mold explosions in eaves & drywall.
Am always interested in where all these conditions dovetail and part ways. #MECFS #LongCovid #Lyme #Molds
#mecfs #LongCovid #lyme #molds
Mama ongeneeslijk ziek #ALS ; ik ziek, #Lyme #Neuroborreliose
Moeder en zoon ❤️
Beiden gepassioneerde hulpverleners met een ❤️ voor de #Zorg én de mens!
De tijd tikt langzaam weg voor mama.
Maar ze heeft nog wat goede moment en nog, koesteren we.
#zorg #neuroborreliose #lyme #als
Ik ben even erg verdrietig. Net een leuke dag met vrienden afgezegd, omdat ik te moe ben voor dat eind rijden en de hele dag vertalen van en naar Spaans in m'n hoofd.
Stomme chronische vermoeidheid. 😥😥
What a vacation! A week in the Adirondacks started a month of symptoms:
• Fever
• Chills
• Headache
• Malaise
• Muscle pain
• Cough
• Confusion
• Nausea
A trip to the Saranac Lake ER, CT scan and full lab work up, back home to a walk-in clinic and then my PCP and then a GI doctor… Lyme tests and Ehrlichia tests negative and then a doxycycline prescription… i wonder what the total charges will be. I also wonder what AI could have helped with…
Recordings from the recent June 29-30 event by NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) are now available.
The event was titled:
"Toward a Common Research Agenda in Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses: A Workshop to Examine Common, Overlapping Clinical and Biological Factors"
Scroll down to see links to videos and meeting materials.
#Research #LongCovid #MEcfs #Lyme #Dysautonomia #MultipleSclerosis #ChronicIllness
#research #LongCovid #mecfs #lyme #Dysautonomia #multiplesclerosis #chronicillness
#RIVM rapporteert:
Aantal #diagnoses ziekte van #Lyme blijft hoog:
In 2021 bleef het aantal Lyme-diagnoses met een rode ring of vlek even hoog als bij de vorige meting in 2017. Huisartsen stelden 25.600 keer een rode ring of vlek vast die veroorzaakt wordt door de Lyme-bacterie. Voor het eerst sinds de eerste meting in 1994 nam dit aantal niet toe.
kijk ook op https://Tekenradar.nl
#rivm #diagnoses #lyme #tekenradar
Posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome and #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
/ #ChronicFatigueSyndrome : A systematic review and comparison of pathogenesis
"This study adds to the expanding literature on the post-active phase of infection syndromes, which suggests that chronic illnesses such as #PTLDS & ME/#CFS have similar pathogenesis despite different infectious origins"
Free fulltext:
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #ptlds #lyme #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme
I hope this is more than just words. I hope this project helps break down some of the barriers and helps patients, clinicians, and researchers work together.
Long Covid Alliance website:
#LongCovid #MEcfs #POTS #Dysautonomia #MCAS #EhlersDanlos #Lyme #SolveME
#LongCovid #mecfs #pots #Dysautonomia #mcas #ehlersdanlos #lyme #solveme
Press release:
"Long COVID Alliance Announces Initiative to Strengthen Partnerships Amongst Diverse Disease Communities to Address Infection-Associated Chronic Conditions"
Project has $77,000 grant from CDC Foundation’s Infection-Associated Chronic Conditions Understanding and Engagement (ICUE) program
#LongCovid #MEcfs #POTS #Dysautonomia #MCAS #EhlersDanlos #Lyme
#LongCovid #mecfs #pots #Dysautonomia #mcas #ehlersdanlos #lyme
Something worth noticing. At least we are keeping this dialogue going. Folks who dealt/are dealing with chronic #Lyme, other #VectorDiseases, or #mold biomes were gaslit for decades. And continue to be gaslit, as that sorry excuse for an article in Slate during the pandemic showed.
I have no greater fear than needing an ER and figuring out how to get an emergency treated, when mentioning history can produce infinite useless responses. :(
Female #blacklegged #ticks infected with the #bacteria that causes #Lyme disease survive #winter substantially better than uninfected ticks.
The authors (Nabbout et al. 2023) note this result means that “…pathogens could work synergistically with #climate #change to promote host #range #expansion.”
OA 🔗 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1744-7917.13205
Blacklegged ticks and other ticks have been shown to be expanding their geographic ranges due to climate change and other factors:
#blacklegged #ticks #bacteria #lyme #winter #Climate #change #Range #expansion
My son was so sick with #Lyme last summer, still uncertain if he got it in Maine or Pennsylvania.
To see that this illness is even worse and no cure or treatment available! 😰