Crypto industry ‘destined’ to be BTC-focused due to regulators: Michael Saylor - The MicroStrategy co-founder believes crypto-related regulatory e... - #proof-of-stake #anthonysassano #michaelsaylor #microstrategy #proof-of-work #bankingcrisis #arthurhayes #mickmcglone #securities #metamask #lynalden #debt
#debt #lynalden #metamask #securities #mickmcglone #arthurhayes #bankingcrisis #microstrategy #michaelsaylor #anthonysassano #proof
Nach Substack-Zensur auf Twitter: Scharfe Kritik an Elon Musk #Blogpost #ElonMusk #LynAlden #Substack #Twitter #Zensur #Nostr #News
#Blogpost #ElonMusk #lynalden #substack #twitter #Zensur #nostr #News
Bitcoin-Kurs klettert auf neues Jahreshoch von 25.000 US-Dollar #MikeNovogratz #BitcoinKurs #Rekordhoch #Jahreshoch #LynAlden #Prognose #Bitcoin #BTC
#MikeNovogratz #BitcoinKurs #rekordhoch #jahreshoch #lynalden #Prognose #bitcoin #BTC
Bitcoin price hits $25K in new 2023 high - Despite macroeconomic headwinds and regulatory crackdowns on cryp... - #mikenovogratz #alltimehigh #alltimelow #pricechart #lynalden #bullish #bearish #$25k #$25
#bearish #bullish #lynalden #pricechart #alltimelow #alltimehigh #mikenovogratz
Bitcoin stays out of fear for 11 straight days as price tips near 24K - Bitcoin's huge price surge in January has meant that 64% of Bitco... - #fearandgreedindex #technicalanalysis #marketsentiment #priceprediction #intotheblock #joeburnett #glassnode #coingecko #bulltrap #jeffross #lynalden #greed #fear
#fear #greed #lynalden #jeffross #bulltrap #coingecko #glassnode #joeburnett #intotheblock #priceprediction #marketsentiment #technicalanalysis #fearandgreedindex
US institutions account for 85% of Bitcoin buying in 'very positive sign' — Matrixport - Matrixport’s head of research and strategy suggests the industry ... - #cryptobullmarket #usinstitutions #markusthielen #tradinghours #matrixport #lynalden #techdev #aptos
#aptos #techdev #lynalden #matrixport #tradinghours #markusthielen #usinstitutions #cryptobullmarket
Not necessarily a light and happy Sunday read, but #lynalden makes some great points about #USTreasuries in her latest newsletter and why maybe "this time it's different".