Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (a.k.a. "Lyn Marcus" when he was in the Socialist Workers Party) was a very special kind of #cult leader/American political animal, a perennial candidate for President and the ultimate wingnut/moonbat, encompassing both the extreme left and extreme right.
The LaRouche organization attempts to recruit followers from across the political spectrum. Though his organization has been active in other countries (particularly #Australia and Germany), his home base and constituency has traditionally been largely American.
#RationalWiki #lyndonlarouche #uspolitics #germanpolitics
#cult #australia #rationalwiki #lyndonlarouche #uspolitics #germanpolitics
"[F]rom the vantage of the present, #LaRouche doesn’t seem so out of step with the country’s politics. And the diminishment of his group over the past couple of decades [..] doesn’t look like marginalization anymore so much as reabsorption."
#LyndonLaRouche Was the Godfather of Political Paranoia. His Cult Is Still Alive and Unwell
#tnr #fascism #farright #larouchites #larouchecult #larouchies #lyndonlarouche #larouche
"[F]rom the vantage of the present, #LaRouche doesn’t seem so out of step with the country’s politics. And the diminishment of his group over the past couple of decades [..]
doesn’t look like marginalization anymore so much as reabsorption."
#LyndonLaRouche Was the Godfather of Political Paranoia. His Cult Is Still Alive and Unwell
#tnr #fascism #farright #larouchites #larouchecult #larouchies #lyndonlarouche #larouche
"[F]rom the vantage of the present, #LaRouche doesn’t seem so out of step with the country’s politics. And the diminishment of his group over the past couple of decades [..]
doesn’t look like marginalization anymore so much as reabsorption."
#LyndonLaRouche Was the Godfather of Political Paranoia. His Cult Is Still Alive and Unwell
#LaRouchies #LaRoucheCult #LaRouchites #FarRight #AmericanFascism #AmericanFarRight
#tnr #americanfarright #americanfascism #farright #larouchites #larouchecult #larouchies #lyndonlarouche #larouche
"he was a wackadoo perennial presidential candidate who kept saying weird stuff about the Rockefellers"
The most important lesson to learn from #LyndonLarouche is that conspiracy theorista are not skeptics. They are actually very gullible.
#lyndonlarouche #tnr #conspiracy
The late political fringe figure Lyndon LaRouche has been referenced more lately -- his followers are continuing to do 'anti-green' stunts like the 2019 event we analyzed -- and they are forming alliances around the far-right
#lyndonLaRouche #larouche #fringe #politics #green #environment #conspiracy #paranoia
#lyndonlarouche #larouche #fringe #politics #green #environment #conspiracy #paranoia
My new story: “Eat the Children”: Decades of Far-Right LaRouche Provocations Renewed
about #LyndonLaRouche