Oklahoma Judge #LynneMcGuire Strips #Lesbian Mom Of #ParentalRights, Awards Them To Sperm Donor
Judge stripped a lesbian mother of her parental rights and transferred them to her child’s sperm donor, testing the boundaries of marriage equality in the state.
According to McGuire, Kris Williams forfeited her parental rights to her son's sperm donor because she had failed to adopt him, The 19threports.
#lynnemcguire #lesbian #parentalrights #lgbtqia
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Oklahoma Judge Transfers Lesbian Woman’s Parental Rights to Sperm Donor https://jezebel.com/oklahoma-judge-transfers-lesbian-woman-s-parental-right-1850117787 #Jezebel #lgbtadoptionintheunitedstates #sexualreproduction #samesexmarriage #animalsexuality #harlanvaughan #rebekahwilson #spermdonation #socialissues #robynhopkins #kriswilliams #lgbtadoption #lynnemcguire #sandrarusso #law2ccrime #obergefell #robinyoung #familylaw #giving #hodges #mating
#jezebel #lgbtadoptionintheunitedstates #sexualreproduction #samesexmarriage #animalsexuality #harlanvaughan #rebekahwilson #spermdonation #socialissues #robynhopkins #kriswilliams #lgbtadoption #lynnemcguire #sandrarusso #law2ccrime #obergefell #robinyoung #familylaw #giving #hodges #mating