Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meet the Woman Helping Pregnant People Fight Hellish Legal Battles Post-Roe #Jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #beginningofhumanpersonhood #abortionintheunitedstates #reproductiverights #sexualrevolution #pregnancyjustice #kelseycarpenter #abortiondebate #lourdesrivera #socialissues #lynnpaltrow #jaredpolis #personhood #midwifery #pregnancy #roevwade #lawcrime
#jezebel #sexualandreproductivehealth #beginningofhumanpersonhood #abortionintheunitedstates #reproductiverights #sexualrevolution #pregnancyjustice #kelseycarpenter #abortiondebate #lourdesrivera #socialissues #lynnpaltrow #jaredpolis #personhood #midwifery #pregnancy #roevwade #lawcrime
by #IrinCarmon in #Intelligencer:
"For decades, defending pregnant people who use drugs or disobey doctors was off-message for a movement that was focused on persuading Democratic politicians and Republican-appointed judges to keep abortion legal on paper. Paltrow’s argument, which has proved prescient since Roe v. Wade was overturned, is that these cases, however unfavorable the optics may be, were the first round of a fight for the fundamental control of people who could get pregnant."
#abortion #AbortionRights #ReproductiveRights #RoeVsWade #RoeVWade #LynnPaltrow #women #jail #pregnancy #miscarriage #stillbirth
#irincarmon #Intelligencer #abortion #abortionrights #reproductiverights #RoeVsWade #roevwade #lynnpaltrow #women #jail #pregnancy #miscarriage #stillbirth
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Horrifying Phenomenon of Hospitals Detaining Pregnant People #Jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #health2cmedical2cpharma #sexualreproduction #humanreproduction #jamielynnrussell #abortionintexas #farahdiaztello #samanthaburton #kierstenhogan #lynnpaltrow #purvipatel #diaztello #rinatdray #roevwade #abortion #jezebel #wade #roe
#jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #health2cmedical2cpharma #sexualreproduction #humanreproduction #jamielynnrussell #abortionintexas #farahdiaztello #samanthaburton #kierstenhogan #lynnpaltrow #purvipatel #diaztello #rinatdray #roevwade #abortion #wade #roe