@KrissyKat And then said "#SmallMedia" wounder why noone's using their site...
If a site can't be viewed whilst using #LynxBrowser over @torproject on #Iridium, it's trash IMHO!
#iridium #lynxbrowser #smallmedia
@josh +9001%
Same goes with any other standard-compliant browser:
If a #website is not fully useable in #LynxBrowser it's ableist and not #accessible and needs to be fixed!
#accessible #lynxbrowser #Website
@dogriley @gallaugher That doesn't work as this will either prevent people from being able to use #Accessibility Brownsers like #LynxBrowser...
What you can do is literally block entire ASNs of those companies and write a salty #AbuseReport, CC'ing everyone that is interconnecting the attacker with your network and demand they'll handle said rogue traffic.
#abusereport #lynxbrowser #Accessibility
I once told them ages ago that if a website can't be used with #LynxBrowser, it's #inaccessible to #blind people.
And admittedly, blind people - just like any #disabled person - need #walkableCities and #Accessible #PublicTransport to be able to do anything.
Eve if we're that antisocial to accept car-dependency as a classist system in the first place...
#publictransport #accessible #walkablecities #disabled #blind #inaccessible #lynxbrowser
@ShadowJonathan Effectively we have this Duopoly of #Gecko and #Chromium...
I mean #SeaMonkey based off #Netscape still exists but I don't consider it a valid option for most use-cases, unless you'd literally accept #LynxBrowser and #IE6 as well...
#ie6 #lynxbrowser #Netscape #seamonkey #Chromium #gecko
@GreenSkyOverMe @fuchsiii it still means the same to this day:
If your website if not looking good or does not have feature parity in #LynxBrowser, it's still #inaccessible.
Just a few comments on the venerable lynx web browser [1]. I have been using it daily almost since its inception three decades ago. It remains a primary web tool. It stores all my web bookmarks, both textual and graphical. Its internal Users Guide is almost 3000 lines of dense features with nary a picture. It also functions as a decent file manager. It is ubiquitous and free amongst *nix systems. Enjoy...
#lynxbrowser #browser #text #foss
@48kRAM that's why I use #DuckDuckGo if not #FrogFind on #LynxBrowser:
Once you've experience the speed of a minimalist #web, you don't want to go back!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_v2_vTogS8 via @ActionRetro
#Web #lynxbrowser #frogfind #DuckDuckGo
Hardcore 1,2k baud net surfing. My very 1st Hamnet connection!
Raspberry Pi 3
Yaesu FT-290R
Yaesu SCU-17
AX25 toolchain
Lync browser
Server: DB0HFT
#packetradio #direwolf #lynxbrowser #1200baud #fantasticspeed #hamnet
#packetradio #Direwolf #lynxbrowser #1200baud #fantasticspeed #hamnet
Hardcore 1,2k baud net surfing. My very 1st Hamnet connection!
Raspberry Pi 3
Yaesu FT-290R
Yaesu SCU-17
AX25 toolchain
Lync browser
Server: DB0HFT
#packetradio #direwolf #lynxbrowser #1200baud #fantasticspeed #hamnet
#packetradio #Direwolf #lynxbrowser #1200baud #fantasticspeed #hamnet