Smoke on the skyline
Welcome to Delphi
They’ll come with questions - answer what you can
Everybody knows the new oracle’s at hand
#lyricalgenius #midwestcoast #Rap #hiphop #doomtree
Doomtree - Team the Best Team
It’s gonna come some day, so come what may and I pray it comes
We’re still gonna run like strays, purr like kittens, and bang a gong
We’ve sang our songs, we’ve seen the war, we’re living that and more
Knowing even the greatest dancers in the world are bound to leave the dance floor
#midwestcoast #lyricalgenius #hiphop #doomtree
My fave #MCLyte track 🎶😎
Paper Thin
#FemaleMC #LadiesFirst #music #Youtube #MusicVideo #RecommendedMusic #MusicFromMyYouth #Eighties #hiphop #MyFaveTracks #nostalgia #LyricalGenius #FaveSongs #NowPlaying #ListenUp #TodaysTunes #RapMusic #WordWizard
#mclyte #femalemc #ladiesfirst #music #youtube #musicvideo #recommendedmusic #musicfrommyyouth #eighties #hiphop #myfavetracks #nostalgia #lyricalgenius #favesongs #nowplaying #ListenUp #todaystunes #rapmusic #wordwizard
A blindingly obvious choice, from 'America's greatest living poet'
"Now if I appear to be carefree
It's only to camouflage my sadness
In order to shield my pride I've tried
To cover this hurt with a show of gladness"
#JukeboxFridayNight #lyricalgenius
🎶 gonna make some coffee
Gonna make some coffee
Gonna make some coffee and I'll stick it up my brainhole
Oh the doctor says it's killing me and I said "That might be true....
..... but this coffee means I probably won't kill you." 🎶
#morningmusic #Coffee #stupid #filk #lyricalgenius
Today's Tune: Cheryl Wheeler BUT THE DAYS & NIGHTS ARE LONG
Life is short, but the days and nights are long
Time will heal all these wounds
Some day soon
I'll be rising I'll be strong
But now I'm losing all my battles
Now I'm down and dropping still
#guitar #singersongwritermusic #lyricalgenius #folkmusic
Corporate Raps, Vol. 1
Don't Hate the Playa
Gonna pump that oil out of the ground.
When I sell it on the market, gonna hear the sound
Of millions of dollars that are hittin' my bank.
I don't give a @&$% if your climate gets dank.
#lyricalgenius #corporations #fossilfuels #ClimateChange