Wagwan? Say hello, follow, share your SpIn.
Wordsmith, wanderer, ponderer,, implacably fierce for self-determination. Pacifist until you victimise anyone. Eschew borders and countries and currency and profit. Cooperation > competition most of the time. Love my famble everyday.
Likely to reply if you reach out for any or no reason. Don't be awful, of course.
Big up
#Consciousness #Vedanta #Tantra
#Lyricist #Bars
#AntiCapitalism #AntiFascist
#introduction #consciousness #vedanta #tantra #lyricist #bars #decolonize #anticapitalism #AntiFascist
Getting ready for NewMusicGathering as possibly the only non-composer/non-performer librettist/lyricist thinking I need one of these:
[Image is of actor Nathan Fillion in the TV show Castle wearing a bulletproof vest reading "WRITER" across the chest instead of "POLICE."
#NewMusicGathering #NewMusic #CreativeWriting #WritingLife #LIbrettist #Lyricist #NewOpera
#newmusicgathering #newmusic #creativewriting #writinglife #librettist #lyricist #newopera
If I had to write my #Intro all over again, it might read like this:
· I am a musician (but most people don’t really care).
· I am a COVID-cautious, COVID-conscious person (but most people don’t really care).
· I am scared what climate catastrophe will do to this planet (but most people don’t really care).
So yeah, that makes me pretty lonely.
Theoretically, I am glad that on social media, at least *some* people *do* care.
But social media is so fleeting, and being found and read is such a game of chance that is doesn’t really amount to much. Also, social media is driven by too much input and mostly way too superficial to really have a lasting impact.
I am still grateful for the four to seven people who react, reply, and support what I am doing. But seeing that it’s four to seven out of seven hundred isn’t all too encouraging.
🙏 to the four to seven, anyway.
#Music #Musician #Singer #MultiInstrumentalist #Composer #Lyricist #IndiePop #AltPop #Acoustic #NoAI #NoAutoTune
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDIsNotOver #LongCOVID #PostCOVID19Syndrome #PASC #ChronicCOVIDSyndrome #CSS #WearAMask #KeepYourDistance #CleanAir
#ClimateCatastrophe #AgeOfExtinction #ParisAccords #FridaysForFuture #LastGeneration
Daily Mail, “Return of the mask”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12024167/Expert-urges-public-wear-masks-public-transport-amid-Arcturus-Covid-fears.html
Umair Haque, “The Acceleration of the Age of Extinction”: https://eand.co/the-acceleration-of-the-age-of-extinction-3c387a49f601
The Guardian, “Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’”: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/26/accelerating-ocean-warming-earth-temperatures-climate-crisis
#intro #music #musician #singer #MultiInstrumentalist #composer #lyricist #indiepop #altpop #acoustic #noai #noautotune #covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #postcovid19syndrome #PASC #chroniccovidsyndrome #css #WearAMask #keepyourdistance #cleanair #climatecatastrophe #ageofextinction #parisaccords #fridaysforfuture #lastgeneration
It's all a matter of perspective. Our ghost writer for our next single likes to hide in plain sight. 😂
Hint: Tilt your phone to see them.
#lyrics #lyricist #newsinglecomingsoon #indiemusic
Hej and welcome to my new music-only account.
I write and record pop songs, often very basic, stripped-down and acoustic, I don’t play live (anymore), and I prefer to stay anonymous.
#Intro #Introduction #Music #Musician #Singer #Songwriter #Composer #Lyricist #MultiInstrumentalist #Acoustic #Pop #Indie #LoFi #NoAI #NoAutoTune #NoQuantisation
#intro #introduction #music #musician #singer #songwriter #composer #lyricist #multiinstrumentalist #acoustic #pop #indie #lofi #noai #noautotune #noquantisation
One of my instruments...
Made in Japan Fender Stratocaster.
#Music #Musician #Singer #Songwriter #Composer #Lyricist #MultiInstrumentalist #guitar #guitarists #guitars #Instrument #photography
#music #musician #singer #songwriter #composer #lyricist #MultiInstrumentalist #guitar #guitarists #guitars #Instrument #photography
Happy birthday #StephenSondheim, born on this day in 1930.
Andrew Lloyd-Webber and Sondheim share a birthday, what a day for the musicals! 🎶
"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."
#HappyBirthday #Sondheim #OTD #OnThisDay #Composer #Music #ClassicalMusic #Orchestra #Lyrics #Lyricist #Musical #Musicals #MusicalTheatre #Broadway #WestEnd #America #NewYork #Jewish #Culture #WestSideStory #SweeneyTodd
#StephenSondheim #happybirthday #sondheim #otd #OnThisDay #composer #music #classicalmusic #orchestra #lyrics #lyricist #Musical #musicals #musicaltheatre #broadway #WestEnd #america #newyork #jewish #culture #westsidestory #SweeneyTodd
If you enjoyed that piece, please take the time to stop by my #KoFi page:
While you’re there…
- please check out my Gallery.🙏🏾
- pleeease buy a copy of my book “A Song of Freedom: A Hip-Hop Novella”🙏🏾🙏🏾
- pleeeease help me accomplish my $50
Ko-Fi goal🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Every little bit of support helps. If you can help me out, God bless. If not, no worries, boosts are welcomed and encouraged! Thanks in advance!!!
#WritingCommunity #WritersLift #Bookstodon #Author #WritersOfMastodon #Writing #Writer #SelfPublishing #ShamelessSelfPromotion #BlackMastodon #Mastodon #Fediverse #RVA #Art #Artist #MastoArt #KoFi #SupportBlackCreators #supportblackartists #HipHop #poetry #lyricist
#kofi #writingcommunity #writerslift #bookstodon #author #writersofmastodon #writing #writer #selfpublishing #shamelessselfpromotion #blackmastodon #Mastodon #Fediverse #rva #art #artist #MastoArt #supportblackcreators #supportblackartists #hiphop #poetry #lyricist
@hiphopvideos Love this! #KoolGRap is a dope lyricist and it shows on here. Personally I feel he never had enough good production behind him, apart from his early albums. There are always some absolute bangers on his albums, but some of the beats are just a bit tame. It's a shame cos he's got an incredible flow! #lyricist #hiphop #rap
#koolgrap #lyricist #hiphop #rap
Lyricists out there, what's a good opening line/couplet you've come up with? Is it better than Pavement's "Pigs, they tend to wiggle when they walk" off Stereo?
I'll start: "There's something to be said for keeping silent..."
#lyrics #lyricist #songwriting
Burt Bacharach, master of pop songwriting, dies aged 94
#RIPBurt #RIPBurtBacharach #Bacharach #Music #PopMusic #Piano #Composer #Lyricist #BurtBacharach
#ripburt #ripburtbacharach #bacharach #music #popmusic #piano #composer #lyricist #burtbacharach
So long to the King of Melodies, #BurtBacharach. Thank you for the music, we will keep whistling them.
Requiescat in Pace.
"Music breeds its own inspiration. You can only do it by doing it. You may not feel like it, but you push yourself. It's a work process."
#RIPBurt #RIPBurtBacharach #Bacharach #Music #PopMusic #Piano #Composer #Lyricist
#burtbacharach #ripburt #ripburtbacharach #bacharach #music #popmusic #piano #composer #lyricist
#January 25, 1759
#OTD #RobertBurns, #Scottish #Poet & #Lyricist, is born.
Tonight is #BurnsNight when Robert Burns is remembered worldwide as the national poet of #Scotland.
Robert is also a favorite #Garden poet.
His 1794 poem 'Red Red Rose' starts with the familiar verse:
"O my Luv's like a red, red #Rose..."
Robert's most famous #Poem is now a familiar #Song: #AuldLangSyne.
#january #otd #robertburns #Scottish #poet #lyricist #BurnsNight #scotland #garden #rose #poem #song #auldlangsyne