First seen: 2023/09/07 19:00:13
Min Alt: 1425 ft MSL
Min Dist: 6.01 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#lyx #planefence #adsb #mendip
@ovid At the risk of being a, er, reply girl (lol), I have a WYSIWYM suggestion you might consider...
My slightly eccentric and highly intelligent statistics lecturer recommended LyX. I don't use it myself, but I saw him use it 'live' in lectures for mathematical proofs, and it looked okay.
(Not sure why a stylus wouldn't do, but who am I to question a genius?)
Se viene ristra de fumadas estilo anime. La verdad detras de las artes marciales de la lucha leonesa, el aluche cantabro, la lucha canaria y los corros de chapas bañezanos.
Ademas que al fín he podido ver como meter fondos de página en Lyx.
#lyx #rol #ttrpg #sistema_apalabrado
@andykm I believe that you're more of a techie than I am, so I'm surprised there's something I could comment on, maybe usefully.
First, you can use #LaTeX independently of #Emacs, which might be wise: it's generally better to tackle one challenge at a time. There's #Lyx , for instance: https://www.lyx.org/ (I haven't used it personally).
Secondly, if you were to take up Emacs (it's fun), I'd recommend using Orgmode, which has simple mark-up that can be exported via LaTeX to pdf.
I still feel that philosophically #LyX has the right approach to working on documents: thinking of structure and logical elements rather than layout (at write time). However as a #QT app it never feels fully native and it would need a lot of usability work to get it super smooth.
"All right, let's write this out with #LyX."
(Typing. Done.)
"A but I need this specific format for this one thing... how the hell..."
(Many hours later)
"OK, that hack seems to kind of work. Let's render it now to RTF. Crap, that doesn't work. Ah my MacTeX is from 2017, maybe that's why..."
(Now downloading new 5.51GB #MacTeX)
Let's see how this ends. Original text was in #IAWriter but that had even less layouting features and I wasn't in the mood to learn how to do a custom template.
I just discovered that #Lyx can apparently import both odt and doc documents. This is good news for me personally.
TIL the hard way
Wenn du ein funktionsfähiges #LYX beibehalten willst, dann update nicht einzelne Latex Pakete in #Manjaro
#lyx #manjaro #masterarbeit #deadline #aaaahhhhh
Y al final... estoy usando colores.
Tambien me he pasado a usar Lyx. Es un entorno de escritura en LaTEX que no me incendia el ordenador al maquetar. (el de casa y el trabajo se me ponía ardiendo)
La gracia es que si tienes cuidado te permite hacer cosas chulas de forma automática y tu solo tienes que copiar el texto plano o escribir directamente. El programa se encarga de maquetar y disponer las cosas de forma automática.
Podcast: Laura Kneidl über »Vergiss uns. Nicht.« und das Schreiben von New Adult https://www.literaturcafe.de/podcast-laura-kneidl-ueber-vergiss-uns-nicht-und-das-schreiben-von-new-adult/ #DerPodcastdesliteraturcafe.de #LeipzigerBuchmesse2023 #Vergissuns.Nicht. #LauraKneidl #NewAdult #LYX
#derpodcastdesliteraturcafe #leipzigerbuchmesse2023 #vergissuns #LauraKneidl #NewAdult #lyx
Flt: CG163 #LYX-#LYX
First seen: 2023/06/05 20:41:56
Min Alt: 750 ft MSL
Min Dist: 7.02 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#lyx #planefence #adsb #mendip
I wanted yesterday to create a document with #LyX on my #freebsd, but got a little error as I tried to preview its #PDF output. So my next step was to upgrade LyX and all the #tex #packages. Then I got some #coredump because of a problem with #qt5, the next group of packages to upgrade.
Now, everything is #cool.
#lyx #freebsd #pdf #tex #packages #coredump #qt5 #cool
Investerarna har haft en stor aptit på lyxvaruaktier under inledningen av året. Lyxvarubolagens kursutveckling har haft ett av sina starkaste kvartal någonsin och flera aktier har nått nya rekordnoteringar. Men det finns orosmoln - vinstestimaten har inte riktigt följt med i årets kursuppgång och värderingarna har stuckit iväg. https://www.placera.se/placera/redaktionellt/2023/04/05/lyxbolagen-trotsar-tyngdlagen.html #aktier #lyx
La parola 'Office' porta la mia mente a:
* l'ufficio (caserma-prigione pensata per comprimere la creatività);
* la pessima e famigerata suite M$ di programmi per l'ufficio.
Insomma: io non voglio che #Calibre, #LyX o #ReText mi finiscano nella categoria 'Office' del menu di #xfce
I use #Zotero for paper-managment and honestly it's not perfect, but it's the best I could find. It integrates with #ObsidianMD with the better-bibtex expansion, and the same method can be used for relatively fine integration with #lyx.
Using it for files in general sounds interesting! maybe I'll try that sometime, when I'll have more free time :/
Es ist zu erwarten, dass dieses oder Anfang nächsten Jahres mehrere Verlage neu in den deutschen #Manga-Markt eintreten. #Loewe stellt dafür schon ein. #LYX will wohl auch. Und bei den Ankündigungen für den #MangaDay lese ich jetzt den mir bisher unbekannten Verlag TOPP. 👀
Noch ist unklar, was die Neuen so auf den Markt bringen. Das wird eine spannende Zeit für Manga-Leser in Deutschland. :blobcatnerd:
I had a short-time hope with #Scribus to get things done but a bug prevents using the styles with certain screens. I tried #Calligra but a bug shrinks the main panel to an unusable size. I even tried #LyX but I don't want to spend my time coding stuff. #Manuskript doesn't have a solution to layout books for ebooks or printing. Etc.
Proprietary it is then.
#scribus #calligra #lyx #manuskript