Ein kleiner Erfolg: Die #Andromeda Galaxy #m31 mit meiner alten Sony nex 5r 200mm auf einem SkyGuider Pro bei iso1600 und 30sek.
Wenn ich mir stellarium betrachte, ist es fast ein Wunder überhaupt ein klares Bild zu machen, insbesondere, wenn auch der Landeanflug vom #BER vorzugsweise genau durch Andromeda geht.
#andromeda #m31 #ber #Astrodon
I've reworked the levels a little to get more details on the periphery of the core. This target is incredible and makes my imagination boil... Diameter : 220,000 light-years... is there any other world among these billions of stars?
#M31 #Andromeda #galaxy
WO Zenithstar 73 III - iOptron CEM40
80x180sec exposure / #PixInsight #Photoshop
#m31 #andromeda #galaxy #pixinsight #photoshop
1st attempt, not totally satisfied...
- stars too present
- milky halo too present
- too bright…
I'll try to improve this result tomorrow!
#M31 #Andromede Galaxy /
William Optics Zenithstar 73 III / iOptron CEM40 / L-Pro filter - 80x180sec - PixInsight
Capture de #m31 #ngc224 la #galaxie d'Andromède par Djaffar à l'aide de sa Lunette SW 72ED et la caméra ASI 2600MC + Filtre L-Pro. 28 brutes à 300s (2h20). Traitement dans SIRIL
#astronomy #astronomie #astrophotography #astrophotographie #galaxy #messier #messier31
#m31 #ngc224 #galaxie #astronomy #astronomie #astrophotography #Astrophotographie #galaxy #messier #messier31
In der vergangenen Nacht habe ich diese Aufnahme der Andromeda-Galaxie (Messier 31) gemacht. Sie ist die unserer Milchstraße nächstgelegene Spiralgalaxie und ist nur rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahre von uns entfernt. Sie hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 200.000 Lichtjahren. Eine Besonderheit ist, dass sie sich auf uns zu bewegt - und zwar mit etwa 300 Kilometern pro Sekunde...
#Astrophotography #Astrofotografie #dwarfii #andromeda #galaxy #m31
#astrophotography #astrofotografie #dwarfii #andromeda #galaxy #m31
First andromeda of the season for me. I only have time to do 15-20 mins.
#astronomy #astrophotography #M31 #space #andromeda #astrodon
#astronomy #astrophotography #m31 #space #andromeda #Astrodon
How to Take Screenshot in Samsung Galaxy M31?
#SamsungGalaxy #M31 #Screenshot https://www.androidinfotech.com/take-screenshot-samsung-galaxy-m31-53954/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#samsunggalaxy #m31 #screenshot
FYI - the Andromeda galaxy M31 and our Milky Way galaxy will be pulled together by their mutual gravity and will collide in about 4 billion years. 2 billion years later, the two galaxies will merge to form a single galaxy.
Below is an animation from NASA of the collision and merger.
#Supernova #M31
Preliminary report of the discovery of a probable nova in M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy) on 2023 May 28.063 UT by astronomers using the the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov.
The object designated PNV J00421981+4107048 is located at R.A. = 0h42m19s.81, Decl. = +41o07'04".8 (equinox 2000.0), which is 276.7" west and 543.7" south of the center of M31.
M31, at 2.5 million light-years distance, is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way.
#Supernova #M31
31.03.2012 In #Frankfurt kesselt die Polizei hunderte #M31 Demonstrierende. Der Kessel wird später für rechtswidrig erklärt und die Polizei Frankfurt muss bis zu 750 Euro Schmerzensgeld pro Person zahlen, insgesamt über 100.000 Euro. #PreviousPosting
#previousposting #m31 #frankfurt
31.03.12: In Frankfurt am Main rockt der europäische Aktionstag gegen Kapitalismus. #M31 Videozusammenfassung des ereignisreichen Tages: https://vimeo.com/39575124
#m31 #andromeda #galaxy #astronomy #picture #apod
I have also re-edited my image of M31
- Telescope: 130/650 Reflector
- 85 pictures
- 20 seconds each
- ISO 1600
#astronomy #astronomie #astrophoto #photography #photomonday #Andromeda #galaxy #M31
#astronomy #astronomie #astrophoto #photography #Photomonday #andromeda #galaxy #m31
Doing a proper #whistlestop tour of the night sky tonight! #m42 #m31 #m44 #mars #uranus #moon #doublecluster #owlcluster #almach had a go at #m1 #crab bit too dim to see any detail. Same for #pinwheel galaxy #astrodon
#whistlestop #m42 #m31 #m44 #mars #uranus #moon #doublecluster #owlcluster #almach #m1 #crab #pinwheel #Astrodon
#Astronomie #Découverte #Astrophotographie #Galaxie #Andromede #Messier31 #M31 #Photographie #Espace 2023
Une découverte toute récente à propos de la galaxie Andromède photographiée sur la raie de l'oxygène.
Vidéo explicative : https://youtu.be/80ntLu1qfow
Article scientifique : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2515-5172/acaf7e
#astronomie #decouverte #astrophotographie #galaxie #andromede #messier31 #m31 #photographie #espace
This is a wonderful example of how skilled amateur astronomers can contribute to science:
Discovery of Extensive [O iii] Emission Near M31 (Open Access):
#astronomy #astrophotography #andromedagalaxy #m31
Image credit: Yann Sainty & Marcel Drechsler
#astronomy #astrophotography #andromedagalaxy #m31
Spotted in a sketchy industrial area of Milwaukee, by David Eicher (chief editor of Astronomy Magazine), this extraordinary mural depicting the Andromeda Galaxy.
Art by Ben Janik: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121504844@N05/
Original post: https://twitter.com/deicherstar/status/1614283882139885568
#universe #cosmology #astronomy #space #science #galaxies #andromeda #messier #m31 #galaxy #andromedagalaxy #streetart #mural #urban #art #muralart #urbanart #photography #streetphotography #milwaukee
#universe #cosmology #astronomy #space #science #galaxies #andromeda #messier #m31 #galaxy #andromedagalaxy #streetart #mural #urban #art #muralart #urbanart #photography #streetphotography #milwaukee