#sketch #girl #loli #littlegirl #rule34 #nsfw #exhibitionism #commissionopen #lolita #nude #ロリ #bitch #Horny #familysex #daughter #whore #incest #m3gan #bdsm
#sketch #girl #loli #littlegirl #rule34 #nsfw #exhibitionism #commissionopen #lolita #nude #ロリ #bitch #horny #familysex #daughter #whore #incest #m3gan #bdsm
@HenPSantos here's M3gan
But this confirms my suspicions, if having a miniature pussyslip triggers pixiv's moderation there's no way my old works will still remain there now that they're looking at my account
20. M3gan (2022) El mayor problema que le veo a esta película, es que intenta explicar demasiado, y en vez de dotarla de la verosimilitud que buscan, lo que consiguen es tensar tanto la suspensión de incredulidad que se va a tomar por saco. Se me ha hecho tontísima y aburrida.
#resenas #cine #m3gan #thriller #terror
M3gan had some upogrades to "take care" of cady and emma, forever
#m3gan #nsfw #vore #bellybulge #loli #digestion
Hoy te visto #M3gan y es justo lo que ha estado pasando con la mayoría de IAs: se confunden y al final la lían parda.
#M3gan - Un film che di horror ha poco e compensa egregiamente con così tanta lucida critica alla società contemporanea, alla tecnologia, a come i genitori ed i figli vivono il rapporto di parentela, a chi si intromette tra loro da meritarsi il titolo di sorpresa del 2022. Lucida la trattazione dei rapporti aziendali e , dulcis in fundo, frase badass del secolo:
Gemma:"M3gan, hai ucciso due persone!"
Finally watched #M3gan. So unrealistic. Seriously? Who has a paper cutter from 1982 in their 2022 office?
Gizmodo: Barbie's So Big, Folks Made It Their First Theatrical Pandemic Movie https://gizmodo.com/barbie-audiences-pandemic-theaters-survey-1850731570 #entertainmentculture #warnerbros #barbie #mattel #m3gan
#entertainmentculture #warnerbros #barbie #mattel #m3gan
Ok, watching the movie M3gan and this f'kin doll is creeping me the fuck out.
Ok, ich bin zwar selbst hier nicht der große #fnaf-Fan, aber aber mindestens einen hier - und der hatte schon angekündigt, dass er den Film mit mir im Kino sehen möchte 😅 Horror im Kino finde ich zwar eher schwierig, aber nachdem das ähnlich aussieht (und von den selben Machern ist?) wie #M3gan, also kein Hardcore-Horror, freue ich mich mittlerweile sogar drauf.
https://www.wacoca.com/media/197486/ ミーガンは悪い子なの?凶気のお友達AI人形、‟死ヌマデ”守ってあげる/映画『M3GAN/ミーガン』予告編 #M3GAN #M3GAN/ミーガン #MovieCollection #MovieCollectionJP #アリソン・ウィリアムズ #ジェームズ・ワン #ブラムハウス #ミーガン #ムビコレ
#m3gan #moviecollection #moviecollectionjp #アリソン・ウィリアムズ #ジェームズ・ワン #ブラムハウス #ミーガン #ムビコレ
Gizmodo: The Nun 2 Looks Like Another Terrifying Chapter in The Conjuring Universe https://gizmodo.com/nun-2-trailer-conjuring-universe-demon-taissa-farmiga-1850610570 #theconjuringuniverse #entertainmentculture #irenetaissafarmiga #taissafarmiga #michaelchaves #theconjuring2 #theconjuring #richardnaing #akelacooper #iangoldberg #conjuration #september #thenun #valac #m3gan #it
#theconjuringuniverse #entertainmentculture #irenetaissafarmiga #taissafarmiga #michaelchaves #theconjuring2 #theconjuring #richardnaing #akelacooper #iangoldberg #conjuration #september #thenun #valac #m3gan #it
Kotaku: Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie Producer Was ‘Made Fun Of’ For Working On Film https://kotaku.com/five-nights-at-freddy-s-fnaf-movie-jason-blum-1850595467 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #fivenightsatfreddys #windowsgames #scottcawthon #indiegames #warnerbros #emmatammi #jasonblum #freddy #m3gan #blum
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #fivenightsatfreddys #windowsgames #scottcawthon #indiegames #warnerbros #emmatammi #jasonblum #freddy #m3gan #blum
Haven't been watching many films lately. Its time for a Friday night horror