Meanwhile, written a first pass #python script that can do the split #M4B #audiobook thing. It currently splits to #mp3 into a hardcoded directory. I'll make it a little more configurable tomorrow. Uses #ffprobe to get the chapter info, and then #ffmpeg to do the actual split/transcode. Oh and I went with -ss & -to rather than -ss and -t
#python #m4b #audiobook #mp3 #ffprobe #ffmpeg
So I've been messing about with audio books, found a #python script that I finally got working that can split an #m4b file into separate chapters. But it has a slight flaw in that if you want to create individual mp3 files for each chapter the script insists on transcoding the whole file to mp3 before it splits it.
If you skip that step with a command-line switch, then the files get written to the root directory of where the script is.
Think I'll end up writing my own simpler script!