#M5Stack #M5Atom attempt at a Larson Style scanner, and lame attempt at working with #micropython
I put #micropython on one of my #M5Atom #ESP32 devices - just to see and play with it a bit.
I used the new #Arduino IDE for python - And I still don't like #python - I will use it when I have to but, it's not for me. I also know it's going to be the future - so I will just have to be stuck in my ways.
It did work thou, and I was able to get the #ws2812 demo working on the Atom - without too much problem - it didn't like the idents for the first for statement thou?
#ws2812 #python #arduino #esp32 #m5atom #micropython
The latest 荒木日報! https://t.co/RSDBZAYyN5 Thanks to @alexfcc #m5atom #m5stack
The latest 荒木日報! https://t.co/lG9xWfHVcu Thanks to @bosturbo #リアクションホイールへの道 #m5atom
The latest 荒木日報! https://t.co/cQweOmEaov Thanks to @bosturbo @alexfcc #m5atom #メカナムホイール
The latest 荒木日報! https://t.co/BaiBPoSTTn Thanks to @8796n @M5Stack #m5atom #二足歩行ロボット