Just a quick follow up to say that the #M5Stack ATOM Echo & my old rotary phone are both working great via @nodered!
The @homeassistant guide at https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/voip is how I setup the rotary phone, in case anyone is wondering
#m5stack #homeassistant #homeautomation
Today I received an #M5Stack ATOM Echo & followed the “$13 voice remote for @homeassistant” guide linked below. It is truly impressive how fast and well this thing works! I setup an automation that listens for “Bedtime” and virtually presses a button created in @nodered that does all the bedtime things like turning off lights and locking doors. The automation part is crazy fast!
#m5stack #homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome
These 4 M5Stick V and M5 Unit V cameras all get very different results - running the same "Read QR code" python script.
3 of them have the same image sensor, the only thing that is different (really different) is the firmware on the camera. Still I would have expected very similar results.
The 4th camera has a different image sensor, and I was totally expecting it to not work as well - but, it's the one that worked best.....
#M5Stack #M5StickV #M5UnitV #MicroPython #Maixpy #camera #AI
#ai #camera #maixpy #micropython #m5unitv #m5stickv #m5stack
Zisternenfüllstandsensor \o/ #m5stack #homeassistant #esphome
#m5stack #homeassistant #esphome
1220X606mm (4X2Foot) panels glued togeter for an #M5Stack project but what could it be?
New toys - 2 #M5Stack #M5StickC #ESP32 #Microcontrollers and a new 8 servo unit - Actually I have a bunch of the StickCs but M5 is/was selling them cheap, I think they are about to go #EOL
The servo driver is a new toy to play with, but I don't know if I need it, I got my animated eye project working pretty good with a different servo driver.
#eol #microcontrollers #esp32 #m5stickc #m5stack
Yet another totally #useless clock.
Actually I had thoughts of displaying the #Hex #Clock from @UselessClock2 in color on the display, this didn't work quite as well as I had hoped.
So I changed it up a bit - And it's an #RGB clock, The #hour is RED, and changes slowly, With 23:00 being a black display. #Minute is the Green - as it gets close to 59 minutes, the display goes black. While the #Seconds is blue but goes to full blue as the seconds climb.
#m5stickc #m5stack #seconds #minute #hour #rgb #clock #hex #useless
Someone give me a use case for this. I picked one up in a group of other micro-controllers a while ago. And still don't really know what "problem" it is trying to solve. https://docs.m5stack.com/en/unit/mqtt
Anyone with any ideas?
#M5Stack #MiniOLED #Unit for size comparison, sitting on the tip of my finger, for better comparison, sitting on a Mexican coin that is about the size of a U.S. Quarter, next to a U.S. Penny. And then sitting on the Penny next to the Quarter. And finally just a picture of the a test text on the display.
Some new parts arrived, probably hard to see in the picture, but I got a 5v to 3v level shifter for the #sparkfun #qwiic connector, a few qwiic connector cables (various types, but mostly qwiic to grove. or qwiic to dupont). This was all so the person sensor and the #M5Stack stuff could place nice together. I also picked up a M5Stack Univ V M12 #camera w/fish eye lens, a couple #Lilygo T-OI Plus boards (#ESP32 C3), a Lillygo T-Display S3 board.
#tdisplay #k210 #ai #unitv #esp32c3 #esp32s3 #esp32 #lilygo #camera #m5stack #qwiic #sparkfun
Condensed OP25 display - (website), This just gives the information I'm interested in. But I really want to display it on a #M5Stack or even on a TFT. Since this is web based I'm not sure how to archive that.
Omg how cute are these little #M5Stack Atom Echos? I'm gonna have so much fun with them at the new house with #homeassistant 🥰
なんとなくAliExpress見てたらこういう変態ケーブルあったんだけど、これ使えば #M5Stack のATOM S3とかで給電しながらUSB-Aデバイス接続できたりするかな。ケーブルでなく、ドックとかクレイドルみたいなやつだったらもっといいんだが。 https://ja.aliexpress.com/item/1005005338799041.html
Here are a few static pictures of The uncanny Eyes sketch and spectrum analyzer running on a black and white TV using a M5Stack GO
A brief video can be found here:
#ESP32 #M5Stack #TV #RCAModule #UncannyEyes #M5GO #SpectrumAnalyzer
#spectrumanalyzer #m5go #uncannyeyes #rcamodule #tv #m5stack #esp32
Combing the ESP32 Uncanny Eyes Sketch with The M5Stack Fire MicrophoneSignalTFT on a Black & White TV
#uncannyeyes #rcamodule #tv #m5stack #esp32
Thank you for the activation. I am interested in many ham radio related topics...
#introducion #hamradio #dapnet #icom #yaesu #anytone #dmr #tgif #pistar #retevis #mmdvm #efhw #qrp #m5stack #raspberry #lorawan #cloudlog #rumlog
#rumlog #Cloudlog #lorawan #raspberry #m5stack #qrp #efhw #mmdvm #Retevis #pistar #tgif #dmr #anytone #yaesu #icom #DAPNET #hamradio #introducion
#M5Stack #M5Atom attempt at a Larson Style scanner, and lame attempt at working with #micropython