LARS ULRICH Reflects On METALLICA'S Evolution #2023_05_19 #metal_injection #russell_ray #latest_news #72_seasons #lars_ulrich #m72worldtour #metallica
#2023_05_19 #metal_injection #russell_ray #latest_news #72_seasons #lars_ulrich #m72worldtour #metallica
#Metállica announce single day tickets for #M72WorldTour
#Metállica bring ”No Repeat Weekends” around the world in 2023 and 2024, featuring ”2 Nights. 2 Different Sets. 2 Different Opening Acts. In the Round,” and rotating openers, including the current #Pantera reunion lineup...
#metallica #m72worldtour #pantera #brooklynvegan #themetaldogarticlelist
Die beste Freundin der Welt schickte mir gerade folgende #Konzertinformation für kommendes Jahr, als ich ihr den Link zum neuen #metallica Clip gesendet hatte. #M72worldtour
#konzertinformation #metallica #m72worldtour
So... The first leg of the Metallica #M72WorldTour doesn't include Puerto Rico, but I am ready if this is the last chance I get to see Metallica...hopefully if they include use again.