Waarnemen – de Maagd
Vanaf het noordelijk halfrond verschijnt de Maagd ’s avonds in mei hoog boven de zuidelijke horizon. Dit is de beste tijd van het jaar om het sterrenbeeld te bekijken. Maagd is het grootste sterrenbeeld van de Dierenriem.
#M87 #maagd #Sombrero #spica #sterrenbeeld #Vindemiatrix #virgo #waarnemen
#Waarnemen #virgo #vindemiatrix #sterrenbeeld #spica #sombrero #maagd #m87
From 26 Apr: Like viewing in FM vs. AM: New black hole image reveals “fluffier” ring - Zooming in on the black hole and jet of Messier 87. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada, Digitized Sky Survey 2,... https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/astronomers-captured-black-holes-fluffy-glowing-ring-powerful-jet-at-same-time/ #astronomy #black-holes #event-horizon-telescope #galaxies #global-millimetre-vlbi-array #m87 #physics #radio-telescopes #science #telescopes
#telescopes #science #radio #physics #m87 #global #galaxies #event #black #astronomy
This is an excellent explainer (from the birdsite)
#blackholes #M87 #astronomy
#eventhorizon #blackholes #m87 #astronomy
"Astronomers capture first image of jet being launched from edge of black hole
Astronomers have captured the first image showing a powerful jet being launched from the edge of a black hole’s event horizon into intergalactic space.
The observations of the black hole at the centre of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87) could help reveal how black hole jets, which are among the brightest objects in the universe, are created."
#messier87 #m87 #blackhole #astronomy #Space #Science
This is real: Astronomers have zoomed in on the supermassive black hole in galaxy M87, revealing both the shadow of the event horizon & jets of hot plasma shooting outward.
#BlackHole #Alma #M87 https://t.co/vCyFfYUex6 https://twitter.com/coreyspowell/status/1651612684331233282
RT @weltderphysik
Fünf Jahre Arbeit: Das weltweite Netzwerk aus Radioteleskopen hat, erweitert um @almaobs, ein schärferes Bild des Zentrums #SchwarzesLoch von #M87 aufgenommen - inklusive seines Jets: Spannende neue Einblicke in den Kern der #Galaxie! @MPIfR_Bonn https://www.weltderphysik.de/gebiet/universum/nachrichten/2023/aktive-galaxienkerne-genauer-blick-auf-das-schwarze-loch-in-m87/
Like viewing in FM vs. AM: New black hole image reveals “fluffier” ring - Zooming in on the black hole and jet of Messier 87. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada, Digiti... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934360 #globalmillimetrevlbiarray #eventhorizontelescope #radiotelescopes #blackholes #telescopes #astronomy #galaxies #science #physics #m87
#m87 #physics #science #galaxies #astronomy #telescopes #blackholes #radiotelescopes #eventhorizontelescope #globalmillimetrevlbiarray
Ars Technica: Like viewing in FM vs. AM: New black hole image reveals “fluffier” ring https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934360 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #GlobalMillimetreVLBIArray #EventHorizonTelescope #radiotelescopes #blackholes #telescopes #astronomy #galaxies #Science #Physics #science #M87
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #globalmillimetrevlbiarray #eventhorizontelescope #radiotelescopes #blackholes #telescopes #Astronomy #galaxies #science #physics #m87
#Telescopes image #M87's #supermassiveblackhole and #massivejet together for the first time
#telescopes #m87 #supermassiveblackhole #massivejet
https://sailing-dulce.nl/home/article-8076 #zwartgat #M87 Maandag 17-04-2023 Vier jaar geleden werd de eerste 'foto' van een zwart gat gepubliceerd (lees hier). Ik schrijf foto tussen haakjes, want het is een kunstmatige opname met behulp van de Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), waarbij de geregistreerde radiogolven werden omgezet in zichtbaar licht. Wat ik niet wist is dat er grote hiaten zaten in die EHT-registraties. Onlangs werden die hiaten ingevuld door het...
From 13 Apr: Iconic image of M87 black hole just got a machine-learning makeover - Enlarge / This new, sharper image of the M87 supermassive black hole was generated by the ... https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/iconic-image-of-m87-black-hole-just-got-a-machine-learning-makeover/ #astronomy #black-holes #event-horizon-telescope #m87 #machine-learning #physics #science
#science #physics #machine #m87 #event #black #astronomy
#ArtificialIntelligence Produces a Sharper Image of #M87’s Big #BlackHole
#artificialintelligence #m87 #blackhole
Astronomers have improved the first image of a #blackhole. A new paper described how they used machine learning techniques to sharpen the image of the #supermassive black hole at the heart of #galaxy #M87 taken by the #EventHorizonTelescope and released four years ago. The sharper image shows a ring of gas around the black hole half as thick as originally detected.
#blackhole #supermassive #galaxy #m87 #eventhorizontelescope
Ars Technica: Iconic image of M87 black hole just got a machine-learning makeover https://arstechnica.com/?p=1931284 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #EventHorizonTelescope #machinelearning #blackholes #astronomy #Science #Physics #science #M87
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #eventhorizontelescope #machinelearning #blackholes #Astronomy #science #physics #m87
Iconic image of M87 black hole just got a machine-learning makeover - Enlarge / This new, sharper image of the M87 supermassive black hole wa... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1931284 #eventhorizontelescope #machinelearning #blackholes #astronomy #science #physics #m87
#m87 #physics #science #astronomy #blackholes #machinelearning #eventhorizontelescope
Already four years since the first time the image of a black hole (the one at center of M87) was shared with humanity, with a big role from ALMA as part of the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration!
#alma #eht #eventhorizontelescope #BlackHole #m87
Wie das zentrale Schwarze Loch in Messier 87 „sichtbar“ wurde
Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke, Universität Nijmegen, NL
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022, 15:30-17:00 Uhr
#space #science #presentation #dlr #esa #blackhole #M87
#space #science #presentation #dlr #esa #blackhole #m87
ハナさんはTwitterを使っています: 「ニュースのタイミングよ‼️😳🪐米津さんホントに持ってるわ…(そういうお方だとは知ってたけど!!✨ 地球から約5500万光年離れた楕円(だえん)銀河「M87」の中心にある太陽の約65億倍の質量を持つブラックホールも同時に観測し、世界初の撮影に成功。 #米津玄師 #M八七 #m87 https://t.co/VZsN9HzXUU」 / Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/home
In anticipation of the Event Horizon Telescope’s upcoming May 12 announcement, here’s a shot of M87, the supergiant elliptical galaxy located 53 million light-years away. The supermassive black hole (M87*) at its core was the first to be imaged by the #eventhorizontelescope in March 2021. If you look closely, you can see the energetic plasma that originates from the core and extends 4,900 light-years.
#astrophotography #astronomy #space #unistellar #citizenscience #m87 #galaxy #virgo #blackhole
#eventhorizontelescope #astrophotography #astronomy #space #unistellar #citizenscience #m87 #galaxy #virgo #blackhole