Tämä oli hauska! Melkein kaikki maat löytyivät kartalta. https://yle.fi/aihe/a/20-10004297 #maailma #maat #valtiot #peli
This works for me, if I replace the word "God" with the ancient Egyptian concept of "Ma'at" (which is represented by a deity, but in my view, deities embody concepts)
#AncientEgypt #philosophy #existentialism #truth #deity #Maat
#ancientegypt #philosophy #existentialism #truth #deity #maat
Gold #Pendant of the Egyptian Goddess Maat with the #ostrich #feather symbol on her head.
The #ancient Egyptian term Maat reflects a complex concept that includes justice, world order, truth, governance and law.
Maat was the daughter of Ra and appeared as the Eye of Ra.
#Egypt #egyptian #Maat #gold #materialculture #archaeology
#pendant #ostrich #feather #ancient #egypt #egyptian #maat #Gold #MaterialCulture #archaeology
#Maat Monday
42 Negative Confessions
part 01(Papyrus of Ani)
1. I have not committed sin.
2. I have not committed robbery with violence.
3. I have not stolen.
4. I have not slain men and women.
5. I have not stolen grain.
6. I have not purloined offerings.
The Book of the Dead. Gramercy. 1995-01-23. pp. 576–582.
#kemetism #neopaganism
En pleine préparation d'une nouvelle aquarelle. Voici la phase de recherche et croquis. Je ne retrouve pas le tout premier, mais j'en suis déjà à la V3. Il va être temps de la transférer au propre, sinon je vais bloquer sur des détails au lieu de peindre. 🤯
Demain, rdv avec le papier aquarelle.
#crayonné #croquis #mythologie #dessincrayon #fantastique #MastoArt #Art #MythologieÉgyptienne #Maat #déesse #DéesseÉgyptienne #fantasyart #illustrationaquarelle
#crayonne #croquis #mythologie #dessincrayon #fantastique #MastoArt #art #mythologieegyptienne #maat #deesse #deesseegyptienne #fantasyart #illustrationaquarelle