Just refused the 3rd PhD examination this year in line with the #MAB (assessment boycott). Feeling terrible for the students, and my stressed colleagues who are trying to sort out vivas 😰Hoping against all odds that #UCEA are going to see the light eventually. @ucu @academicsunite #UCU #ichBinHanna #UCURising #FairPayForFairWork
#mab #ucea #ucu #IchbinHanna #ucuRISING #fairpayforfairwork
I have left #HigherEducation. I have left Goldsmiths, having worked there, with a break when I was made redundant, since 2001. Leaving right in the middle of #MAB and all. New status: labour force leaver. Illustration: a page from a 2002 booklet by Jimmy Robert (published by Autograph ABP) that I saved from stash of art books. (Jimmy studied there, l990s, before my time.) Sorry mate!
When you start running out of glaciers so you rename yourself after something a little more permanent
Formerly named “Glacier Biosphere Reserve” (1976–2017)
#GlacierNationalPark #NPS #UNESCO #MAB #WNBR
#glaciernationalpark #nps #unesco #mab #wnbr
#mAb and Oral #Antiviral #Treatment of #SARS-CoV-2 Infection in #US #NursingHomes, doi:10.1001/jama.2023.12945 #covid19 #publichealth #medicine #society #poverty #inequalities
#mab #Antiviral #Treatment #sars #us #nursinghomes #COVID19 #publichealth #medicine #society #poverty #inequalities
people observing #MAB as part of #UCU are facing cosly personal crunches and intense moral pressure from managers, as the dispute is expressed through us, and exam boards meet, sort of. Please send me and my pal struggling with this some 💚 and have some yourself if you know what I am on about
UK university staff are refusing to mark student work in protest over poor pay and working conditions. In response, uni managers appear to be losing the plot: https://twitter.com/UCUEssex/status/1671840922944905217
'What emerges might look like a university but it won’t feel like one. [...] What gives me hope is the unanimity of staff. On the picket lines we talk not only about pay and conditions but also about the social purpose of teaching and the value of research, process, rigour. We remember that we are the university.' Fraser MacDonald #ucu #MAB https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n13/fraser-macdonald/short-cuts
UWE priced marking scripts as between £40 and £60 per script.
They subsequently changed the job posting when eyebrows were raised and have now removed it completely.
My pay (or associated workload) definitely doesn't match to this.
An archived summary of the posting can be seen here:
Recent UK Uni Crisis News
#UCU #UCUStrike #UCURising #MAB #SettletheDispute @ucu @ucupostgrads
#settlethedispute #mab #ucurising #ucustrike #ucu
UK Uni Crisis
#UCU #UCUStrike #UCURising #MAB #SettletheDispute
@ucu @ucupostgrads
#settlethedispute #mab #ucurising #ucustrike #ucu
UCEA leadership seminar for VCs!
#UCU #UCUStrike #UCURising #MAB #SettletheDispute
#settlethedispute #mab #ucurising #ucustrike #ucu
UK Uni Crisis
“The UK is on the brink of a nationwide degree scandal with no engagement from university management, who have abandoned academic standards, and no intervention from the government in sight.”
#HigherEducation #HigherEd #UCU #UCUStrike #UCURising #MAB #SettletheDispute
#settlethedispute #mab #ucurising #ucustrike #ucu #highered #HigherEducation
Can anyone in #healthcare confirm/rebuff my hypothesis that (pretty much) any #mab might help (pretty much) any #cancer ?
#cancerresearch #bigpharma
#bigpharma #cancerresearch #cancer #mab #healthcare
UK Universities Crisis News
#settlethedispute #ucurising #mab #ucustrike #ucu #highered #HigherEducation
UK Uni Crisis
Edinburgh University quickly regrets asking its students to “reach out” to them over the UCU Marking and Assessment Boycott after releasing a video designed to reassure them.
After receiving the comments below, the Uni quickly disabled the comments feature and deleted the comments!
#mab #ucustrike #ucu #highered #HigherEducation
Open letter to @TheGuardian_uk in which signatories express concern at the adoption of “examination mitigation policies” by many UK universities in response to the @ucu marking and assessment boycott.
“Universities should meet with the unions and settle the dispute, so that students can graduate with complete degrees.”
#mab #ucustrike #ucu #highered #HigherEducation
Open letter to The Guardian in which signatories express concern at the adoption of “examination mitigation policies” by many UK universities in response to the @ucu marking and assessment boycott.
“Universities should meet with the unions and settle the dispute, so that students can graduate with complete degrees.”
#mab #ucustrike #ucu #highered #HigherEducation
UK Universities’ Industrial Action
The Vice Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast commits to join the Cambridge University VC in calling on the Universities and Colleges Employers Association to reopen negotiations with the University and College Union for better pay and working conditions in order to bring an end to the UCU marking and assessment boycott.