Early bird registration is open! 🤩 #meetthespeakers
Join us for a 4-day #primarycare rooting experience of humanising healthcare. #CPD #lifelonglearning #generalpractice #familypractice #familymedicine
#healthcare #experience #capetown #capetownsouthafrica #macademia #macademics #highered
#meetthespeakers #primarycare #CPD #lifelonglearning #generalpractice #familypractice #familymedicine #healthcare #experience #capetown #capetownsouthafrica #macademia #macademics #highered
What are we using over here as the equivalent to the #AcademicTwitter hashtag? #AcademicMastodon #Macademics #Macademia ?
#macademia #macademics #academicmastodon #academictwitter
If anyone wants to write an #rstats package and #Obsidianmd plugin that converts between Obsidian v1.0 syntax and #QuartoPub syntax, I would be forever in their debt. Callouts, for example.
Primary usecase: lecture notes in Obsidian used in Quarto revealjs slide deck.
Can't be the only one! #AcademicMastodon #macademics #AcademicChatter #WhatHashtagHaveWeAgreedOn?
#rstats #obsidianmd #QuartoPub #academicmastodon #macademics #academicchatter #WhatHashtagHaveWeAgreedOn