Macaroons are sometimes called "coconut macaroons" for clarification. Not a bad idea, depending on the context.
The newer sandwich cookie macaron is also sometimes referred to in English as a "French macaroon" (but as this leads to confusion I don't recommend it).
Macaroon enters English in 1605–15 from Middle French "macaron", from dialectal Italian "maccarone " for a cake or biscuit made of ground almonds (which also gives us the word macaroni).
Macaron is much newer, only dating back to 1995–2000, also from French "macaron".
Alternative names next! ⬇
How to tell Macaroons and Macarons apart
Macaroon [mak-uh-ROON]: a drop cookie made of egg whites, sugar, usually almond paste or coconut, and sometimes a little flour.
Macaron [mah-kuh-ROHN, ‐RON]: a round cookie consisting of a filling between two halves made from beaten egg whites mixed with sugar & ground almonds.
#Etymology next! ⬇
Forgot to post this yesterday but this is the salvaged underbaked #coconut #macaroon (with #chocolate chips).
It was baking at 25°c less than the baking temperature required and I only found out with 5 mins remaining on the timer.
After a few minutes at the right temp, it turned out well, but the top is very toasted. The middle sank but still great.
I made 12 and I put chocolate chips on half of them because coconut and chocolate = 🤌. #baking
#coconut #macaroon #chocolate #baking
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