🎧 Dive into the world of #MacAudio with my latest YouTube video!
✅ Spotlight on: Sound Source - an amazing tool by Rogue Amoeba for top-tier audio control.
✅ Now featuring: AU Sound Isolation plugin - isolates your voice from any background noise.
🎙️ Perfect for podcast recording or noise-free Zoom meetings!
🎬 YouTube link:https://youtu.be/sGurLYu2ClY
@BillHallSonora Oh – I assume you'd just use a web browser to do the download?
Presumably it'd only get weird if you tried to play the FLAC file using Apple's "Music" application and it was all, "FLAC? FLAC you!"
...but then, for the simple task of playing one FLAC file on your computer, you could just bust out the essential VLC – which I believe every desktop computer should have installed on it.
Mac VLC download page:
1/ Where are they coming from, and where do they need to go?
The only Toast I'm familiar with is Roxio Toast, the CD (or other optical disc) burning software, which seems unrelated to flinging files around. So perhaps you're referring to a different toast I'm unaware of.
@frankreiff Hmm, that is strange that RX10 is so picky, it sounds way more like a bug than a feature?
I dunno about Sound Source but I've had good results with RA app for Mac audio routing shenanigans: https://rogueamoeba.com/loopback/
#macaudio #audioengineering #loopback #RogueAmoeba