#TIL that when you piss off Sentinels, they can follow you and creepily hunt you down in your own underground base. On the bright side, I now know for sure that I have a Sentinel-proof base. #NoMansSky #gaming #macgaming
#til #NomansSky #gaming #macgaming
If you want to play an old game on a new Mac, chances are it has been ported to macOS (and will run better than any solution with CrossOver etc.): https://macsourceports.com
Case in Point: Doom 3. Via Steam and CrossOver: BFG Edition doesn't run at all, the original runs at 6 fps even with all settings at lowest. With the Mac Source Port and some data folder copied from the original game: BFG Edition runs super smooth at 3360 x 1400 pixels. #Gaming #macOS #MacGaming #Retrogaming
#gaming #macos #macgaming #retrogaming
Soeben #steam von #valve auf dem #macbookpro installiert um #torchlight2 zu spielen. Dies habe habe ich früher auf meinem PC gezockt. Steam sagt, dass man das 32 Bit spiel nicht spielen kann - aber Bähm! #apple hat #rosetta und nun funktioniert es 🥰
#steam #valve #macbookpro #torchlight2 #apple #rosetta #gaming #macgaming #nostalgie
I managed to get half life 2 running natively on the m2 macs. I did not expect having to compile the source engine to do so.
Which brings this into question: if a rando like me can port fucking half life 2 to the m1 macs, why can’t #valve do it themselves? Just compile once and that’s it.
#valve #halflife #gaming #coding #compiling #macgaming #mac
Ob ältere Spiele auf #macOS funktionieren, ist immer so eine Glückssache. #Torchlight2 aus dem Jahr 2012 funktioniert tadellos, sogar mit Mods. #DungeonOfTheEndless aus dem Jahr 2014 hingegen funktioniert überhaupt nicht.
#macos #torchlight2 #dungeonoftheendless #gaming #macgaming
Por cierto, ando solito por #Steam, si alguno de los presentes es gamer casual y le apetece hacerse amigáis, dejo por aquí mi enlace:
#steam #nomanssky #elderscrollsonline #citiesskylines #macgaming
Die ersten Teile von Jagged Alliance habe ich früher immer gerne gespielt. Warum gibt es #JaggedAlliance3 nicht für den Mac? https://www.jaggedalliance.com/ #macgaming
Rien de mieux qu'une petite balade dans une galaxie lointaine pour débuter la semaine 🌌😁
C'est quoi votre MMORPG favoris ?
#Gaming #SWTOR #JeuxVideo #MMORPG #MacGaming #CrossOver #Wine
#gaming #swtor #jeuxvideo #mmorpg #macgaming #crossover #wine
Hey there, tech epicureans! Get ready for a game-changer! TechRadar reveals that gaming on MacBooks is no more a laughing matter due to a remarkable free update. A serious performance hike is set to give rival gaming laptops a run for their money. 💻🎮 What game will you play first on your Macbook? #PerformanceBoost #MacGaming #GameChanger
#performanceboost #macgaming #gamechanger
Happy #Bungie Day!
Here's a mini-doc I made 7 years ago about the company's indie roots, and the straight line that can be drawn from today back to their (largely forgotten) earliest titles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1x2sNtYVBo
#macgaming #videogamehistory #bungie
Woo! Got Valheim working on my M1 MacBook Air! It ain't pretty, chugging along at 25 FPS at 900p with everything set to minimum, but it's a start with #macgaming 🥳
(Using the excellent orion to launch games with the Game Porting Toolkit: https://github.com/andrewmd5/orion)
Hey techies! 🎮 Apple's Game Porting Toolkit promises a better Mac gaming experience! How excited are you? #MacGaming #GamePortingToolkit #LinusTechTips
#macgaming #gameportingtoolkit #linustechtips
So Ms. Goldberg isn’t aware that Windows can run on her Mac (depending on the vintage of her Mac computer)? https://www.gamespot.com/articles/whoopi-goldberg-is-pissed-off-that-diablo-4-is-not-available-on-mac/1100-6514940/
#DiabloIV #Diablo4 #MacGaming #PCGaming #Videogames #MacOS #Windows #BootCamp #Parallels #WindowsOnMac
#diabloiv #diablo4 #macgaming #pcgaming #videogames #macos #windows #bootcamp #parallels #windowsonmac
Kotaku: Whoopi Goldberg Calls Out Diablo IV For Not Being On Mac, But Fans Have A Fix https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-iv-for-mac-whoopi-goldberg-upset-blizzard-port-1850519443 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #gameportingtoolkit #whoopigoldberg #blizzardgames #rodfergusson #windowsgames #videogaming #theodorerex #videogames #macgaming #battlenet #diabloiv #blizzcon #meganfox #diablo #macos
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #gameportingtoolkit #whoopigoldberg #blizzardgames #rodfergusson #windowsgames #videogaming #theodorerex #videogames #macgaming #battlenet #DiabloIV #blizzcon #meganfox #diablo #macos
Apple crea un conjunto de herramientas que permiten emular juegos de Windows en macOS https://www.dekazeta.net/apple-crea-un-conjunto-de-herramientas-que-permiten-emular-juegos-de-windows-en-macos/
#macos14 #macos #macossonoma #macgaming #gaming #apple
🎮 Apple's Game Porting Toolkit can translate DirectX 12 to Metal 3! (via Techmeme) #MacGaming #WinePlatform #DirectX12 What's your favorite Mac game?
#macgaming #wineplatform #directx12
And here someone got #Cyberpunk2077 to run at 40 fps on the M2 Max.
#cyberpunk2077 #macgaming #wwdc23 #Gaming
This is #Cyberpunk2077 running on a base M1 at 15 fps thanks to Apple's newly released game porting toolkit.
#cyberpunk2077 #wwdc23 #macgaming #Gaming
#Windows kann endgültig einpacken. #Unix hat gewonnen.
#Apple #WWDC #WWDC23 #WWDC2023 #DX12 #Metal #MacGaming #Gaming #macOS #GamePortingToolKit #WINE #Crossover
#crossover #wine #gameportingtoolkit #macos #gaming #macgaming #metal #dx12 #wwdc2023 #wwdc23 #wwdc #apple #unix #windows
No Man's Sky has been in my backlog forever. I used to have different excuses for not jumping into it (although the premise and visuals were super intriguing). Shall I play it on a M1 mac or the PS5? (it's finally out on mac, 1yr after the announcement)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdjLewAzVZQ #nomanssky #mac #macgaming