#MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis
MacGyver solves a number of #rpg dungeon puzzles in an effort to find the treasures of Atlantis; no real MacGyver-isms, just him being smarter than everyone else in the room per usual.
much better than the second movie; doesn't take itself very seriously.
ridiculous plot point where the Atlantis obsessed professor says they need to go to the town of "Thera" because it means "fear" in Greek, which I'm fairly certain is not true??
also peak hair
#MacGyver: Trail to Doomsday; watched this today while taking care of #TheBoy; almost 2 hour runtime with a total of 1 cool MacGyver trick, the rest is generic action movie tropes, #CarBombs, #HeroIsFramedForMurder, etc.
not a good movie.
#macgyver #theboy #carbombs #heroisframedformurder
Ist meine Gesichtsblindheit stärker als angenommen oder sehen die Filmhelden heutzutage wirklich alle gleich aus?
Ich gucke mich gerade durch #FlashGordon (Version von 2007) und habe mich eben beim Gedanken "ich geh noch n paar Folgen #MacGyver angu--- nee, halt, ist ja Flash Gordon" erwischt.
Lucas Till und Eric Johnson sehen sich einfach *viel* zu ähnlich. Ich prangere, usw.
- Ja, dan hebben we een trechter nodig hé
- a, zal 1 van de keuken nemen maar ja, dan mogen we die daarna niet meer voor eten gebruiken
- 💡wacht, ik heb een oplossing...
@serenacloos @Vico__h
Geldt dat ook als je dagelijks een rugzak meesleept, die leeg al een kilo of vijf weegt? 😛
Just fixed my #CoatHanger! Not too shabby if I say so myself 😏 #DIY #MacGyver #CoatHangersOfMastodon #CoatHangerFedi #Genius
#coathanger #diy #macgyver #coathangersofmastodon #coathangerfedi #genius
I prefer #MacGyver and #BurnNotice to #MissionImpossible: Characters developed well over seven seasons each. Compare that to seven M:I #Movies.
#macgyver #burnnotice #missionimpossible #movies
Intel Quartus Signal Tap on an M2 MacBook… #MacGyver 🤓
#macgyver #openfpga #fpga #analoguepocket
Ich war einer der wenigen Menschen die den neuen #MacGyver ganz gut fanden, schwächelt mitten drinn etwas aber ist ganz gut :D
Nur, sone Folge vom Original schauend muss ich sagen ... das doch nochmal ne andere Klasse 😆
Schönes West-Ost Spionage Spektakel :D
Wanted to build my own clock with a #RaspberryPi and just saw an episode of the original #MacGyver show: This work of art was born. Took a broomstick, sawed it up it small pieces and a splash of red paint: Et Voila, a complete bomb. Whatever you do, don't put it in your carry-on. #MovieProp #3-2-1
#raspberrypi #macgyver #movieprop
S and I had a #MacGyver
MomentTM today.
Earlier, the door handle to my office failed and I found myself stuck inside. I eventually woke S up and he let me out.
Later, we were both in there, placing a new bookcase next to my desk, when the door latched shut again. Orrr nooorrrr!
Luckily, I had my backpack with my Ultimate Hammer (an xmas prezzie from S) in it. He dismantled the door handle from the inside and released us.
Here's a link to an Ultimate Hammer: https://www.catch.com.au/product/ultimate-hammer-multi-tool-2995867/
He refers to our hero as “The Famous Teddy Z.” I don’t think that’s happened before.
4️⃣ One of 4 scripts for the show by #BobWilcox (The New #WKRPinCincinnati). It’s really clever, and the ending is superb!
📺 December 1989 - January 1990: CBS aired #TheFamousTeddyZ in the first hour of Monday primetime, between #MajorDad and #MurphyBrown. Against it: #MacGyver on ABC; #21JumpStreet on Fox; #TheHoganFamily on NBC.
📺 My 550th #TVReview of 2023. Averaging 2h10m of TV every day.
#bobwilcox #wkrpincincinnati #thefamousteddyz #majordad #murphybrown #macgyver #21jumpstreet #thehoganfamily #tvreview
1987 Wednesday Night,
Perfect Strangers,
Head of the Class,
#ABC #tvshows #television #TelevisionShow #PerfectStrangers #HeadOfTheClass #MacGyver #retro #nostalgia
#abc #tvshows #television #televisionshow #perfectstrangers #headoftheclass #macgyver #retro #nostalgia
My Office solution to real world problem using a worn out whiteboard marker #macgyver #office #Whiteboard #marker
#macgyver #office #Whiteboard #marker
RT @macgyveronline@twitter.com
RDA is in #FedCon in Bonn, Germany for the next 3 days. We'll be posting updates and fan photos on our page all weekend.
#MacGyver #RichardDeanAnderson #Stargate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/macgyveronline/status/1662043281000402944
#FedCon #macgyver #richarddeananderson #stargate
37 years ago today:
S1E22: The Assassin
Posing as a watchmaker who manufactures bomb timers, MacGyver manages to catch a master killer—Piedra—before he attempts an assassination on a high-profile target. However, Piedra isn't about to be stopped for long.
Airdate: 1986-05-07
#MacGyver #RichardDeanAnderson #CorinneBohrer #ABC #tvseries
#macgyver #richarddeananderson #corinnebohrer #abc #tvseries
36 years ago today:
S2E22: For Love or Money
MacGyver is forced to work with a ruthless freelance agent to rescue a human rights activist who is being held in a psychiatric hospital in Czechoslovakia. The rescue is an apparent success, until the secret police then kidnap the activist's wife to get him back.
Airdate: 1987-05-04
#MacGyver #RichardDeanAnderson #ABC #tvseries
#macgyver #richarddeananderson #abc #tvseries
@seancr8on It might also just be that they’ve watched #TheMartian where the word is used analogously to #MacGyver
36 years ago today:
S2E21: D.O.A.: MacGyver
MacGyver is called to a meeting with a former British spy, who has learned of a group of terrorists that will use a new plastic explosive in a vengeful attack on the U.S. army. This explosive can be hidden anywhere. However, before the spy can give MacGyver all the details he is shot. MacGyver flees...
Airdate: 1987-04-27
#MacGyver #RichardDeanAnderson #NanaVisitor #ABC #tvshows
#macgyver #richarddeananderson #NanaVisitor #abc #tvshows