I'm happy to share my interview with Sandra Gesing about FAIR software, workflows, and virtual research environments (VREs) / science gateways with Sandra Gesing as part of the #ResearchDataAlliance 10th anniversary calendar of events (https://www.rd-alliance.org/plenaries-events/events/%E2%80%98-decade-data%E2%80%99-celebrating-10-years-rda/rdas-10th-anniversary-events-and).
Have a listen: https://share.transistor.fm/s/bde2539b
#MachineCentricScience #Podcast #FAIRData #FAIRWorkflows #VirtualResearchEnvironments #ScienceGateways
#researchdataalliance #machinecentricscience #podcast #fairdata #fairworkflows #virtualresearchenvironments #sciencegateways
great little podcast introducing the Research Data Alliance (RDA) FAIR4VREs ("FAIR for Virtual Research Enviroments") working group.: https://datastreams.podbean.com/e/data-streams-episode-8-rda-fair-for-vre-working-group-discussion-with-co-chairs/
I hope to interview Sandra Gesing this Friday for an episode of my podcast #MachineCentricScience (https://podcast.polyneme.xyz/) for release next Friday.
I enjoyed interviewing Christophe Blanchi of the DONA Foundation (governing body for the #Handle system -- #DOIs et al.) as part of #ResearchDataAlliance 10th anniversary events. January is Identifiers month. 😃
Have a listen: https://share.transistor.fm/s/39e377f0
#MachineCentricScience #Podcast #FAIRData #PersistentIdentifiers #PIDs
#handle #dois #researchdataalliance #machinecentricscience #podcast #fairdata #persistentidentifiers #pids