I wrote an article on the #trolleyproblem for #autonomousvehicles. I provide two solutions to the problem and argue for where our focus should be headed.
βTwo Solutions to the Trolley Problem for Self Driving Carsβ by Philosopher Scholar https://link.medium.com/Qa1r45C65R
#philosophy #ethics #appliedethics #selfdrivingcars #utilitarian #utilitarianism #machineethics #babyorgrandma #socialcreditsystem #china #citizenscore
#trolleyproblem #autonomousvehicles #philosophy #ethics #appliedethics #selfdrivingcars #utilitarian #utilitarianism #machineethics #babyorgrandma #socialcreditsystem #china #citizenscore
RT @simplysecureorg@twitter.com: We're proud to present the next iteration of our event series #underexposed πππ Together with @thoughtworks@twitter.com we're hosting a mini meetup on #machineethics. Join @carolinesinders@twitter.com @mayameme@twitter.com and @adamhrv@twitter.com on Mon April 16th 7pm in Berlin: https://www.meetup.com/Underexposed-Trust-and-Design/events/249193295/