Teaching a Robot to Hallucinate https://hackaday.com/2023/02/26/teaching-a-robot-to-hallucinate/ #ArtificialIntelligence #machinehallucination #diffusionmodels #imagegenerators #trainingdata #RobotsHacks #robotics #imagen #ai
#ArtificialIntelligence #machinehallucination #diffusionmodels #imagegenerators #trainingdata #RobotsHacks #robotics #imagen #ai
Teaching a Robot to Hallucinate - Training robots to execute tasks in the real world requires data — the more, the b... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/26/teaching-a-robot-to-hallucinate/ #artificialintelligence #machinehallucination #diffusionmodels #imagegenerators #trainingdata #robotshacks #robotics #imagen #ai
#ai #imagen #robotics #robotshacks #trainingdata #imagegenerators #diffusionmodels #machinehallucination #artificialintelligence
Google’s newish #ml model #infiniteNature-zero looks interesting - generating consistent 3D video scenes of landscape from ‘a single 2d image.’ Slightly misleading as the #machineHallucination is inferentially derived from its training set. They conclude “Our work points towards future algorithms that can generate complete, photorealistic, and consistent 3D worlds.” Inevitably, if these sorts of #algorithms form #softwarePatents, then the so-called #metaverse is going to be a #nasty #expensive #plutocratic #panopticon. I’d rather stick to #reality, which is #openSource and #higher-Resolution anyway 🥸 https://ai.googleblog.com/2022/11/infinite-nature-generating-3d.html?m=1
#ml #infinitenature #machinehallucination #algorithms #softwarepatents #metaverse #nasty #expensive #plutocratic #panopticon #reality #opensource #higher