@dennyhenke I have always been a #Mac user. I love their technology! This was my first computer: a #MacintoshPlus. I still have it. It is part of my collection!
Looks like I now have the socket for some #MacintoshPlus CPU experiments... 😎
Replaced the H.O.T., the 4700uF filter cap, the CR19 Zener diode and crucially (and scarily) the 3.9uF non polar electrolytic with a high frequency film type.
And it hasn't all exploded. So that's good!
I'm getting a very rare intermittent fault on my #MacintoshPlus (the one I restored from dead).
It's actually the issue I had immediately after booting to SCSI the first time - a phantom blank window pops up and flickers, or sometimes a "coprocessor not installed" error appears.
I suspected power originally, but apart from the Zener diodes, I've replaced (and upgraded) all of that...
I've now ripped this IC out and replaced it, but I'm not convinced it's that yet.
So here's an oddity - a contemporary cordless mouse for the Macintosh Plus.
I've no idea if it works or what batteries it uses, etc. - but I just had to grab it and try it 😁
#macintoshplus #mouse #wireless #retrocomputing
Didn't expect this to run to be honest with you. But run it did!
#defenderofthecrown #macintoshplus
Seems to work! Look at me, word processing on a Macintosh Plus! ... without a keyboard...
(It's okay, I've got an adapter on its way for that too)
All assembled. Well, apart from having to disassemble again to add the cable...
Totally. Deliberate.
New arrival 😍
Will set this up a bit later. Should make a lot of software more easily accessible, via disk images.
Cleaned, recapped and reassembled the #MacintoshPlus floppy drive - but unfortunately it is still doing what it was when I first tested it.
On the other hand, I now have what sounds like one of those jumping dog toys from the '80s 😁
Finally worked out a way to get Stuffit Expander onto my #MacintoshPlus without a floppy drive.
As a result, I'm now playing this rather cool adventure called Deja Vu 😎
Well, that seems good now 🥳🎉
Haha! And that silly typo made me suddenly recall that I *did* actually get some 74LS257BN ICs aaaaages ago for a C64 repair... I dug around and found them hiding with some other stuff... and...
The #macintoshplus sound now works correctly 😎👍
Oh thank goodness. Please let this be it! 🤞
This was pure deduction from the schematics, since I couldn't see the wood for the trees on the oscilloscope. This is one of the chips that multiplexes for sound on the #macintoshplus.
I'm hoping this means it's not the VIA now which was the only other guessed candidate from my tests so far. Time for another Digikey order!!
#macintoshplus #retrocomputing #repairs
Anyone familiar with how the sound actually works on a #MacintoshPlus, feel free to assist!
I'm seeing what seems like odd behaviour on the SV0, SV1, SV2 lines. No matter whether sound is playing or not, these lines seem to always be high. I had expected to see a waveform or something when turning on the machine, so either I'm wrong on these lines are not functioning correctly..?
I removed the SND chip to see if that was pulling them high, but it made no difference.