Going to meet old school friends this weekend. One of them used to do all kinds of stuff with #hypercard on #MacintoshSE
We were always arguing about PC vs Mac back in the day.
Funny thing, he jumped to the PC world when OS X came out, he did NOT like it.
My whole Macintosh collection #macintosh #applemacintosh #retrocomputing #retroapple #powerbook145 #powerbook165 #powerbook1400cs #powerbookg3 #ibookg3 #imacg3 #macintoshse #ibookg4
#macintosh #applemacintosh #retrocomputing #retroapple #powerbook145 #powerbook165 #powerbook1400cs #powerbookg3 #ibookg3 #imacg3 #macintoshse #ibookg4
My beloved 68k machines #68kinside #macintosh #macintoshpowerbook #macintoshse
#68kinside #macintosh #macintoshpowerbook #macintoshse
Recapped the analog board on the #macintoshse thanks to JDW’s excellent walkthroughs and some crt neck board surgery #MARCHintosh #retrocomputing #vintageComputing
#macintoshse #MARCHintosh #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing
Do the Macintosh SE and Macintosh SE/30 share the same CRT and CRT logic board? My SE/30 crt has burn-in and the regular SE does not. I'm thinking about replacing the SE/30 crt for a non burn in CRT. #macintosh #macintoshse
This soldered in #macintoshse battery made it at least 32 years and 5 months without exploding. #Marchintosh
:apple_inc: Apple Macintosh SE
:apple_inc: Apple Macintosh SE/30
#MARCHintosh #apple #macintosh
#macintoshse #macintoshse30
#retrocomputing #vintagemac
#thatsthewrongmouse #VintageMac #retrocomputing #macintoshse30 #macintoshse #macintosh #apple #marchintosh
Macintosh SE with my Play It Loud Clear Game Boy for #marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #retrocomputing #retrogaming #MacintoshSE #GameBoy
#marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #retrocomputing #retrogaming #macintoshse #gameboy
Macintosh SE and my Play It Loud Clear original Game Boy for #marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #MacintoshSE #gameboy #retrocomputing #retrogaming
#marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #macintoshse #gameboy #retrocomputing #retrogaming
Macintosh SE and Play It Loud Vibrant Yellow original Game Boy
#marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #MacintoshSE #GameBoy #retrocomputing #retrogaming
#marchintosh #marchintosh2023 #macintoshse #gameboy #retrocomputing #retrogaming
I totally forgot the obligatory floppy eject clip!
#apple #macintosh #macintoshse
#MARCHintosh #vintagemac
#classicmac #retrocomputing
#floppy #retrocomputing #classicmac #VintageMac #marchintosh #macintoshse #macintosh #apple
:apple_inc: Apple Macintosh SE with triple floppy drives
#apple #macintosh #macintoshse
#MARCHintosh #vintagemac
#classicmac #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #classicmac #VintageMac #marchintosh #macintoshse #macintosh #apple
A New Analog and CRT Neck Board for the MacIntosh SE https://hackaday.com/2023/01/31/a-new-analog-and-crt-neck-board-for-the-macintosh-se/ #Retrocomputing #MacintoshSE/30 #MacintoshSE
A New Analog and CRT Neck Board for the MacIntosh SE - Keeping a 35-year old system like the MacIntosh SE and its successor, the SE/30, u... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/31/a-new-analog-and-crt-neck-board-for-the-macintosh-se/ #retrocomputing #macintoshse/30 #macintoshse
Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85 https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/swap-the-clock-chip-on-the-mac-se-30-with-an-attiny85/ #Retrocomputing #MacintoshSE/30 #ATtinyHacks #customPCB #MacHacks #attiny85 #drop-in #rtc
#Retrocomputing #macintoshse #ATtinyHacks #custompcb #MacHacks #attiny85 #drop #rtc
Swap the Clock Chip on the Mac SE/30 with an ATTiny85 - As [Phil Greenland] explains in the first part of his excellent write-up, the lith... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/swap-the-clock-chip-on-the-mac-se-30-with-an-attiny85/ #retrocomputing #macintoshse/30 #attinyhacks #custompcb #machacks #attiny85 #drop-in #rtc
#rtc #drop #attiny85 #machacks #custompcb #attinyhacks #macintoshse #retrocomputing
Posting my first post via the toot tui using Mac Terminal on the #macintoshse #retrocomputing
I’m “this isn’t even my first computer” years old. This is an #Apple Mac SE circa the late 1980’s. I own a third share along with two of my former college house mates. Unfortunately it didn’t boot and we didn’t have the time to figure out the issue.
#Apple #macintoshse #throwbackthursday