Now that #MARCHintosh is over and my #MacLC restore and upgrade video is posted, I can take the next few weekend of…
What?! #Appril2, you say?!
I'd better get back to work!!
#VintageApple #RetroComputing #AppleII #AppleIIGS #AppleIIForever
#appleiiforever #appleiigs #appleii #retrocomputing #VintageApple #appril2 #maclc #MARCHintosh
New Video! 👇🏻
My Apple Macintosh LC III restore video has been posted, in which I:
✅ Install a #BlueSCSI w/ Classic Mac OS 7.6.1
✅ Service a floppy drive
✅ Get an Apple IIe Card working
✅ Install an FPU chip
#maclc #retrocomputing #VintageApple #MARCHintosh #BlueSCSI
I was trying to figure out how to correctly install a math co-processor FPU in my #VintageApple #MacLC III.
Here is a discussion that had good photos of how to align the chip for installation.
Macintosh LC III - FPU
Apple Macintosh LC III Technical Specifications Sheet
Happy #MARCHintosh2023! My #VintageApple #MacLC III floppy drive has been fully serviced and is working again!
#maclc #VintageApple #marchintosh2023
Quick #MARCHintosh2023 #VintageApple #MacLC III update short.
#maclc #VintageApple #marchintosh2023
In full swing working on my #MARCHintosh #MacLC III restoration.
Hoping to have my restore video posted by the end of the month.
My #MARCHintosh2023 project is coming a long nicely, thanks to #BlueSCSI v1!
Here's my #MacLC III booting off of a BlueSCSI using a disk image I created in #BasiliskII on my #MacStudio.
#MacStudio #basiliskii #maclc #BlueSCSI #marchintosh2023
For #MARCHintosh2023, I’m working on restoring a #MacLC III. During that restoration, I need to replace the original Quantum SCSI drive with a #BlueSCSI v1.
If your recollection of SCSI details from Mac that you used in the 1990s is a bit foggy - like mine is - you will want to read this brief clip from the Apple Introduction to SCSI Concepts, Chapter 3:
#BlueSCSI #maclc #marchintosh2023
Since it’s #MARCHintosh 2023 and since I have a #MacLC III to service, I decided to buy myself a soldering iron and desoldering pump so I can swap out the caps in the power supply.
Fingers crossed! This will be my first recapping job.
New Video!
In this Pre #Marchintosh2023 video, I service an #Apple 12" RGB monitor from 1990 for use with a #MacLC III.
Come watch the roller coaster ride of will he or won’t he repair this monitor.
Apple 12-Inch RGB Monitor Repair
#maclc #apple #marchintosh2023
I'm going to take my first run at servicing a #VintageApple 12-inch RGB Display today.
Nothing too crazy, I'm going to try to swap the guts from a damaged case into a good (yellowed) case. I'll have to leave a recap for another time.
If you have one of these monitors for your #MacLC computer, here is a good resource that I found.
#marchintosh2023 #retrocomputing #maclc #VintageApple
Prototype of a MicroSD extension holder for the #Macintosh #LCII & #LCIII.
Made with #OpenSCAD of course.
Disregard the color, I need to get the proper RAL filament.
#3dprinting #retrocomputing #pizzabox #maclc #Mac68k #openscad #LCIII #lcii #macintosh