Report: Apple’s expected M3 MacBooks may not be coming this year - Enlarge / Apple's 15-inch MacBook Air. (credit: Andrew Cunningham)
... - #applesilicon #arsshopping #macbookair #macbookpro #applem3 #ipadair #ipadpro #macmini #macbook #apple #macos #tech #ipad #mac #m3
#m3 #mac #ipad #tech #macos #apple #macbook #macmini #ipadpro #ipadair #applem3 #macbookpro #macbookair #arsshopping #applesilicon
Ars Technica: Report: Apple’s expected M3 MacBooks may not be coming this year #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Applesilicon #ArsShopping #MacBookAir #MacBookPro #AppleM3 #iPadAir #ipadpro #Macmini #MacBook #Apple #apple #MacOS #Tech #ipad #Mac #M3
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #AppleSilicon #ArsShopping #MacbookAir #macbookpro #applem3 #iPadAir #ipadpro #macmini #Macbook #apple #macos #ipad #mac #m3
@spinach @lunareclipse Well, then that's a shit idea as they could solve that shit with cable sleeves way better...
Again: Different screw sizes would make it not really possible to misinstall it unless someone refuses to read the manual but then again that's the fault of the one tinkering not the manufacturer...
After all, @snazzyq didn't hurt himself with the power supply of the #MacMini whilst modding it...
And that has a 20pin non-standard connector...
There’s a bug in #macOS with my #M1 #MacMini. It has to do with a #DualMonitor setup. I have one monitor connected over HDMI. My second monitor connects via USB-C to a DisplayPort connection.
When I resume the Mac from sleep, the DP monitor fails to wake most of the time. I can only wake the monitor by pressing the ESC key twice, or disconnect/reconnect the cable. If the HDMI monitor is disconnected, the DP monitor resumes every time. I have never had an issue with the HDMI monitor.
#dualmonitor #macmini #m1 #macos
Neue Macs: Zweites Apple-Event im Oktober?
Apple arbeitet fleißig an den ersten M3-Macs. Die Frage ist nur, welche zuerst fertig werden.
#Apple #iMac #Mac #Macmini #MacBookAir #MacBookPro #macOS #news
#apple #imac #mac #macmini #macbookair #macbookpro #macos #news
Next phase of the 2014 #MacMini saga: dipping back into the #debian well but this time with #Trixie.
I got #RetroDeck and #SteamLink running well. I am able to get OG xbox games up and running, but they are not really playable. PS2 and below run like a champ.
Well see how long this all last. My main TV does not play well with this set up. I think it is more of a TV issue than the Mac Mini
#macmini #debian #trixie #retrodeck #steamlink
Well as I alluded to my first #linux love, I installed and played around with @alpinelinux. It is such a fun and light distro.
But this is not my final stop. More to come on the lil 2014 #MacMini
Wohlgemerkt: Ein drei Wochen alter #MacMini mit #M2, ein nagelneues #LG Display, keine Kabel aus dem Supermarkt. Und es interessiert sie einen Scheiss, ob ich nun mit einem oder zwei Monitoren arbeiten kann. _Wenn_ ich ein #StudioDisplay _hätte_, _dann_ würden sie sich kümmern. #lasttoot
#macmini #m2 #lg #StudioDisplay #lasttoot
@JustinLachance as #IT #Sysadmin I am contractually obligated to stay up to date and my job literally is to be the #BenevolentDictator in terms of #tech and what #TechStack is being used.
I forcibly migrate #TechIlliterates to @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS because I don't get paid enough to deal with shit like #Windows.
And those that need some proprietary #CCSS get a machine with #macOS or a #VNC / #RDP session to a #MacMini or #MacPro that has been rackmounted.
#macpro #macmini #rdp #vnc #macOS #ccss #Windows #ubuntults #TechIlliterates #techstack #Tech #benevolentdictator #SysAdmin #IT
Ich bin auch ein Held. Hab gestern den #MacMini inkl. Tastatur und Maus mit ins #Homeoffice genommen. Doch was hängt noch am USB-Hub im Büro, richtig der Dongle 🙄Zum Glück lässt sich die #Logitech #MXKeys und die #MXMaster auch per Bluetooth koppeln. #computerkram
#macmini #homeoffice #logitech #mxkeys #mxmaster #computerkram
【新着情報】Amazonの「Fashion x Tech タイムセール祭り」でApple製品がお買い得に。M1チップ搭載「Mac mini」が30%オフなど
#Amazon #Apple #Macmini #iPad #BeatsStudioBuds #セール #セール情報
#amazon #apple #macmini #ipad #beatsstudiobuds #セール #セール情報
Adding Power over Ethernet Support To a Mac Mini - Wiring up a Mac Mini’s new PoE module. (Credit: Ivan Kuleshov)
Despite all the fan... - #machacks #macmini #poe
Satechi、「Mac mini」と「Mac Studio」向けの「USB-C スタンドハブ」を20%オフで販売する2日間限定セールを開催中|気になる、記になる…
Sure, a seamless aluminum enclosure is cool, but where am I supposed to plug in a flash drive? #MacMini
I can confirm that the 32” monitor is blooming huge. I’m really going to like it 👍🏻.
Mac Mini is also quiet as a mouse, unlike my old intel Mac 😁 #MacMini #Appletech
【新着情報】Apple、M3チップ搭載新型「Mac mini」をテスト中か
#Apple #Macmini
Apple Beschleunigt Tests Neuer M3 Mac Modelle für Oktober-Debüt
Laut Insider-Quellen hat Apple die Testphase für Macs mit dem neuen M3-Chip intensiviert. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Modelle bereits
#Mac #News #Apple #CPUKerne #Entwicklung #Geschftsergebnisse #Grafikprozessorkerne #HighEndM3Max #iMacs #M3Mac #MacMini #MacBookPros #MacOSSonoma141 #NeueModelle #OktoberDebt #Testphase
#Mac #News #Apple #cpukerne #entwicklung #geschftsergebnisse #grafikprozessorkerne #highendm3max #imacs #m3mac #macmini #macbookpros #macossonoma141 #neuemodelle #oktoberdebt #testphase