Gizmodo: Apple Releases New Security Patch to Patch the Patch It Messed Up #mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #macosmojave #appleinc #safari #iphone #patch #apple #macos #ios16 #ipad #ios9 #mach #ios
#mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #macosmojave #appleinc #safari #iphone #patch #apple #macos #ios16 #ipad #ios9 #mach #ios
Mozilla Firefox beendet Unterstützung für macOS Mojave und frühere Versionen
Mozilla, der Entwickler des beliebten Web-Browsers Firefox, gab am Dienstag bekannt, für macOS Mojave und frü
#News #ESR115Version #DigitaleSicherheit #VeralteteBetriebssysteme #Apple #Firefox116 #MacOSCatalina1015 #Firefox #Mozilla #Betriebssystem #MacOSMojave #Sicherheitsupdates #WebBrowser
#News #esr115version #digitalesicherheit #veraltetebetriebssysteme #Apple #firefox116 #macoscatalina1015 #Firefox #mozilla #Betriebssystem #macosmojave #sicherheitsupdates #webbrowser
Why in the world is the macOS menubar translucent now and disrespects wether or not the system is set in light or dark mode?
I was just forced to update from Mojave (went to Monterey) and I hate it here.
#macos #macosmojave #macosmonterey
Apple Bug Allows Code Execution on iPhone, iPad, iPod - Release of iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 brings fixes 11 bugs, some rated high-severity. #privilegeescalationvulnerability #vulnerabilities #mobilesecurity #macosmojave #xcode11.7 #appleavd #ipados14 #watchos7 #tvos14 #webkit #apple #ios14
#ios14 #apple #webkit #tvos14 #watchos7 #ipados14 #appleavd #xcode11 #macosmojave #mobilesecurity #vulnerabilities #privilegeescalationvulnerability
Operating systems like #macOSMojave today require an Internet connection to install — after the installer has been downloaded.
People cannot self-host a code snippet themselves, much less a blog. Sheesh.
Read the stories users engaged with most today: #Algorithms control us, #Windows10OctoberUpdate, #Google #Translate, #cordcutting, #macOSMojave updates, #iPhone #hack, add Scan QR Codes shortcut to #iPhone Control Center
via @techhelpkb
#iphone #hack #algorithms #windows10octoberupdate #google #translate #cordcutting #macosmojave
„From a well liked open source project to Evil Corp in one night“
GPGTools adressiert die Unruhe über den Launch ihres PGP-Addons. Ich persönlich bin froh, dass sie vor #macOSMojave startklar waren und war nicht über die Bezahlversion überrascht. Die war lange angekündigt …
Kleiner Schock: scheint third party tracking in seiner neuen (kostenpflichtigen) #macOSMojave Version des Apple Mail PGP Plugin zu integrieren. Reaktion auf "Vorwürfe" sieht aber nach Entwarnung aus:
(via @skynebula auf Mastodon)
ok, #macosmojave does screen recordings and i'm prolly going to go nuts with them for a bit...
what are acceptable video recording formats for sharing? (macos defaults to "quicktime", guessing mp4, but VLC gives me options)