What's your take, @jwmason on this @pluralistic piece?
https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/04/if-i-was-a-horse/#friedman-was-a-dolt anything to add, correct, explain? đ du QuĂ©bec #macroecon #moneysupply #inflation
#macroecon #moneysupply #inflation
#ICMYI Alex Thomas' chat on his #Macroecon textbook https://youtu.be/PNtCjc55jXI BTW this textbook was a great primer for me into Macroeconomics, especially in the Indian context. I highly recommend it if you like pluralistic econ texts. #Economics
#macroecon Saviez-vous que les Ă©conomistes, contrairement Ă ce qu'ils vous bassinent, ignorent les causes de l'inflation et n'ont que des modĂšles empiriques, souvent dĂ©mentis par l'expĂ©rience? La FED (US) sâapprĂȘte Ă mettre 10 millions de travailleurs Ă la rue (par le biais d'une hausse du taux prĂ©fĂ©rentiel) prĂ©textant que cela diminuera l'inflation en diminuant les salaires. Sauf qu'il n'y a plus de correlation entre la hausse des salaires et l'indice des prix Ă la conso depuis 20 ans!
Growth, growth, growth mentioned 20 times. Exponential growth in a closed system. When will macroeconomists recognize the physical impossibility of such a thing? And that past historical data are irrelevant now that physical limits begin to manifest themselves. More...
In order to present a realistic model of the economy, Steve Keen writes in one of his two chapters, âan essential first is to demonstrate to students that the ostensibly well-developed and coherent traditional model is in fact an empty shellâ
â from JW Mason entry "Heterodoxy and the Fly-Bottle"
Oui, un toot de macroĂ©conomie un jour de Noel! "J'aurais vouuluu ĂȘtre Ă©conomiiissteuu! (C.Dubois)" http://jwmason.org/slackwire/heterodoxy/