A useful background discussion of Matter and Thread at home, as well as some comments on lighting and HomeKit. #OverViewOfMatter #Thread #Matter #Lighting #NanoLeaf #HomeAutomation #SmartHome #MacVoices23159 #MacVoices #MacVoices2023 #VideoPodcast #Technology #Essentials #HomeKit #ThreadBorderRouting #Mesh #NetworkFabric https://mastodon.cloud/@chuckjoiner/110459213709329092
#overviewofmatter #thread #Matter #lighting #nanoleaf #homeautomation #smarthome #macvoices23159 #macvoices #macvoices2023 #videopodcast #Technology #essentials #homekit #threadborderrouting #mesh #networkfabric
@bazcurtis Improved tag handling is on the list of upcoming ivory enhancements. https://tapbots.com/ivory/ #MacVoices #Ivory @jgamet @chuckjoiner
@jgamet @eabolden I really enjoyed your Mastodon with @chuckjoiner. I have been using Ivory. I liked the idea of following tags and not just people. Can you do that in Ivory?
Thanks for the tag tip about making sure capitalisation is used.