lol, that's adorable.
Makes me remember the time I taught my grandmother (who's 103 this year) how to use my classic Mac in the late 90s.
She wrote up this super sweet thank-you note for me in #MacWrite II. I still have a photo of it somewhere.
Project of the day (day 2) 2023, Thursday, August 24th
#WacOS :
WacOS is an operating system project that aims to allow the look, feel, and functionality of all #Apple operating systems and bundled software (including, but not limited to: System 1-6, Classic #MacOS, Mac OS X, OS X, MacOS (modern), #iPhoneOS, #iOS, #iPadOS, #NewtonOS, S.O.S, GS/OS, #tvOS, #NeXTSTEP, #watchOS, #Siri, #MacPaint, #MacWrite, etc.) in an open-source, and unrestricted way.
WacOS is also a dual-kernel operating system, which utilizes both the #Linux Kernel and the #Darwin Kernel.
It is a major project, with over a hundred repositories, but it isn't functional yet. It is also my second most popular project (as of 2023, Thursday, August 24th) with 41 stars. It is a major endeavor, and needs some love. It is written in over 50 different programming languages, due to its complexity and its scale. Anyone who is interested can start a discussion, raise an issue, or send a pull request.
#wacos #Apple #macos #iphoneos #iOS #ipados #NewtonOS #tvos #nextstep #watchos #Siri #macpaint #macwrite #linux #darwin