jeanoappleseed · @jeanoappleseed
210 followers · 1690 posts · Server

Good morning fr . Was going to post before working but things got busy so here I am at almost 11am. But photos are from just after sunrise ~7:25. 🌞 & 28°c (82°F) but I bet it gets to at least 30°c (86°F) - that my unscientific prediction…
Pix: Big bloom (#1 & 4); aka , #2; me with my boots on for the first time in 5 years now that I have new orthotics 👍🏻 #3

#pasadena #cereusperuvianus #pachypodiumlamerei #madagascarpalm

Last updated 1 year ago

Rafael Salazar · @RafaelSalazar
235 followers · 3273 posts · Server

Pachypodium lamerei a species of flowering plant. It’s a stem succulent, photosynthesizing mainly through its trunk, and comes from the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa, large thorns & leaves mostly just at the top of the plant & large, fragrant flowers. species has become one of the best known pachypodiums in cultivation, relatively easy to propagate and grow. In cultivation it is often marketed as the , despite it isn’t a palm at all. Wiki

#madagascarpalm #thicktrunktuesday

Last updated 2 years ago