OK, OK, one more, for now anyway...... kinda disappointed that #Disney have done #TheHauntedMansion 'cos, yeah, it has to be young 'un friendly.
Would be awesome to get an incredibly evil, dark and sinister #Movie that tied in #DisneylandParis' #ThePhantomManor and #BigThunderRailroad instead. When I say dark, I mean shit scarily dark here.
That aside I *am* looking forwards to 'The Haunted Mansion' movie.
#RavenswoodManor #ThunderMesa #BigThunderMiningCompany #HenryRavenswood #MelanieRavenswood #MadameLeota #RapOnATableItsTimeToRespond #Horror #GhostStory #Movies
#disney #thehauntedmansion #movie #disneylandparis #thephantommanor #bigthunderrailroad #ravenswoodmanor #thundermesa #bigthunderminingcompany #henryravenswood #melanieravenswood #madameleota #raponatableitstimetorespond #horror #ghoststory #Movies
Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond, let there be music from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint by ringing a bell!
#HauntedMansion #DisneyParks #SeanceCircle #MadameLeota #LeotaToombs #EleanorAudley #CrystalBall #WaltDisneyWorld #MagicKingdom #Disneyland
#hauntedmansion #disneyparks #seancecircle #madameleota #leotatoombs #eleanoraudley #crystalball #waltdisneyworld #magickingdom #disneyland
Got another Disney shelf going. Most of this I got at the Disney Outlet for an insanely low price. A lot of clearance items were ringing up well below the clearance sticker, plus another 25% on top.
The Tower of Terror funko set came from Disneyland of all places.
#Disney #Collectibles #Disneyland #WaltDisneyWorld #HauntedMansion #TowerOfTerror #SpaceMountain #PeopleMover #MadameLeota #Pluto #MickeyMouse
#disney #collectibles #disneyland #waltdisneyworld #hauntedmansion #towerofterror #spacemountain #peoplemover #madameleota #pluto #mickeymouse
Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat, call in the spirits, wherever they’re at! Rap on a table — it’s time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond… Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween, awaken the spirits with your tambourine! #HauntedMansion #DisneyParks #SeanceCircle #MadameLeota #LeotaToombs #EleanorAudley #CrystalBall #Raven #SpellBook #MusicalInstruments #TarotCards #WaltDisneyWorld #MagicKingdom #Disneyland
#hauntedmansion #disneyparks #seancecircle #madameleota #leotatoombs #eleanoraudley #crystalball #raven #spellbook #musicalinstruments #tarotcards #waltdisneyworld #magickingdom #disneyland
I recently added two #MadameLeota items to my #HauntedMansion collection. First, a #bookend replica of the Madame Leota tombstone from the #WaltDisneyWorld outside #queue. Second, a #figurine of the #SeanceRoom scene. The bookend is surprisingly realistic — I almost expected Leota’s eyes to open and close! #DisneyParks #Disneyland #MagicKingdom #CrystalBall #Raven #SerpentsAndSpiders #TailOfARat #CallInTheSpirits #WhereverTheyreAt
#madameleota #hauntedmansion #bookend #WaltDisneyWorld #queue #figurine #seanceroom #DisneyParks #disneyland #magickingdom #crystalball #raven #serpentsandspiders #tailofarat #callinthespirits #wherevertheyreat
As we wind through the outdoor #HauntedMansion #queue at #WaltDisneyWorld, we come across a #tombstone for #MasterGracey, the late owner of the mansion. 🪦 There’s often a rose laying on top of the marker. 🥀 And we also see #MadameLeota’s tombstone just outside — and to the left — of the doors to the entrance foyer. Wait, did her eyes just open? 🔮#MagicKingdom #LibertySquare #NotAtDisneyland #SaltAndPepperShakers #Imagineers
#hauntedmansion #queue #waltdisneyworld #tombstone #mastergracey #madameleota #magickingdom #LibertySquare #notatdisneyland #saltandpeppershakers #imagineers
Two new #HauntedMansion figurines that I recently acquired from #Disneyland for my home office collection. #GrimGrinningGhosts #Graveyard #Mummy #PrinceAmenmose #DeafGhost #FatherTime #MadameLeota #CrystalBall #SeanceRoom #Raven
#raven #seanceroom #crystalball #madameleota #fathertime #deafghost #princeamenmose #mummy #graveyard #grimgrinningghosts #disneyland #hauntedmansion
RT @JustEllenIGuess@twitter.com
#EleanorAudleyForDisneyLegend #Disneyland35 #MadameLeota
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JustEllenIGuess/status/1412059975321411594
#EleanorAudleyForDisneyLegend #Disneyland35 #madameleota