“East of Eden, the book John Steinbeck was meant to write, was published on September 19, 1952.”
Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck
William Souder
#johnsteinbeck #bookstodon #madattheworld
#madattheworld #bookstodon #JohnSteinbeck
This great story of #Steinbeck’s tour of #Russia — #Shevchenko #Ukraine in 1947; with the famous war photographer Robert Capa and a twice widowed elderly woman’s rejoinder to Capa’s spontaneous proposal of marriage:
“If God had consulted the cucumber before he made man, there would be less unhappy women in the world.”
Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck
William Souder
#johnsteinbeck #bookstodon #robertcapa #madattheworld
#madattheworld #RobertCapa #bookstodon #JohnSteinbeck #Ukraine #shevchenko #Russia #Steinbeck